Our First Date (Lisa POV)

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I'm over excited that I arrived at jennie's place 10 minutes early. I can't wait too see her again. I checked myself one last time before I get out from the car. Today I need to look extra good for jennie! I know she's blind. But somehow I still want to put my best outfit for our date. And I want to dress well every time I meet her. Cause she's my special lady.

Currently I'm standing in front of her door. I took a deep breath before I knocked.

"Wait a second!" I can hear jennie's voice on the other side. I can't stop myself from smiling. Soon the door was opened. Wow. I can't believe what I just saw. I was lost of words and stunned. Jennie look so beautiful today, she put a lot of effort to look pretty and I was touched. I can't even think and just staring at her like a statue.

"Lisa?" she checked on me. "umm. Yeah. Umm sorry I.. Aa.. You look so beautiful.. I mean you're always beautiful but you look extra beautiful today" I was amazed by her beauty, I never felt like this before. I'm blushing cause I stuttered too much. She laughed in a shy manner before she thanked me. My eyes have been blessed early in the morning, I wish I could have this kinda view everyday.

"Good morning lisa!" I can hear wendy's voice interrupting our moments, she's now standing next to jennie. "good morning to you too" I greeted back as I smiled looking at wendy. "Have fun you guys, and lisa please take care of her, if something bad happened to her.." wendy continued with a signal of her fingers slit on my throat. I laughed a little by her threat. "Thank you, don't worry I promise I will take care of her and send her back here, safe and sound"

"Umm so you ready to go?" diverting my eyes back to jennie. Unconsciously I'm smiling looking at her face.

"Yes! I'm ready" she answered.
"So we're leaving first?" I asked. My eyes moving back and forth from jennie to wendy waiting for their response. "Okay lets go!" Jennie answered. She then offering her hand for me to hold. Carefully I hold her and lead her to my car. I wave at wendy one last time before I drove off.


"So.. I would like to introduce you to my favorite restaurant. I often had my breakfast there, I hope you like it" I started the conversation, I can't stop smiling, I look like a fool "Sounds amazing I can't wait to try" she responded, damn her gummy smile.. I want to eat it. I felt so happy that I could spend my time with jennie today. I'm not gonna lie if I wasn't driving I will probably going to stares at her as long as I could. But for now, I could only steal glance at her every time I had a chance. Cause I'm driving. And I need to keep us both safe.

"Jennie I'm sorry if it's awkward, I never had an actual date so I don't know exactly how to act" I was embarrassed admitting it to jennie but I still laugh a little to cover that fact. "Lisa don't worry I'm comfortable" She try to convinced me. "well. Umm lets play the song than" I suggested. And she nodded as a sign of agree. 

'Stuck with u' by justin bieber and ariana was playing on the radio, and I sing along to it, once in while I made fun of my voice and clowning myself cause I want to entertain Jennie. I love the way she laugh especially her gummy smile. I got to do my best as her partner today, I made a promise that I will make it fun and I'm gonna keep it.

"We're here" I told jennie as I open the car door. Jennie is ready to get out but I'm worried that her head might hit the car roof so I was kinda touch her forehead and guiding her to come out. A moment later I hold her hand and lock into my arm. We walk together to the restaurant that I suggested. You don't have any idea how nervous I felt and whenever I touch her skin, there's this feeling that I can't really explain. The feeling that I only felt when its her.

"Hi! as usual please, but make it two" I told the waiter. Now I'm sitting in front of jennie, I'm all smiling, staring at her. My heart pounding so fast. "Jennie, do you want to eat anything else like cake or maybe something sweet?" I start the conversation. "No thanks.. I like to try your favourite Food, I wonder how would it taste like" She responded with her signature smile. "I'm sure you're going to like it, just wait for a little bit, I'm sure you're hungry right now" I replied.

A moment later our foods arrived. Automatically I took a spoon and knife and gave it to jennie on both of her hands. She thank me for helping her out. And again I can't help myself but to smile. I never really smile as much as when I'm with jennie.

"Now I understand why you like to eat here, this is really good" jennie smile while complimenting the food. "I'm glad you like it, eat more" I said. She look so cute, I can see her mandu cheeks when she chewing the food. I feel amazed. Well everything she does amazed me. I'm that whipped afterall.

I stared at jennie for so long until I forgot to feed my own stomach, she's such a beautiful distraction in my life. "Lisa I can't hear you chewing, are you eating?" jennie looks worried. "yes I'm currently eating don't worry" I lied. My voice gets soft each time I talk to her. I don't know, I turned gentle when I speak to her.


"Theme park here we come!!!" we're now in front of the theme park's entrance. Jennie laugh a little listening to my exciting voice. "Jennie you ready?" I asked. "Yes I'm just so excited" she replied, her smile never fade from her face. Its cute. Not sure how many times exactly I'm complimenting her cuteness.

I want to hold her hand but I'm afraid she will be uncomfortable. I watch her hand several times before I brace myself and asked for her permission. With a gulp I asked "Jennie.. Umm.. Can I hold your hand? Well.. You don't have to say yes if you don't want to, no worries" I was so nervous, my heart pounding so fast that I think it might explode. Jennie laughed before she answered yes while nodding, she's blushing and I think its really cute. See, I compliment her cuteness again.

We were both walking at the theme park  while holding hands. And still I can't stop myself from smiling, I feel so shy but I try to act cool in front of jennie. "So what are we going to ride first?" Jennie asked.

"Hmm how about something relaxing like ferris wheel?" I suggested. "Okay lets go!" she giggled while responding to me. There are a lot of people here but it felt like its only me and jennie.

The next few hours we took a chance to  play some other rides, we even shared eating churros. I wish today wouldn't ended so fast but yup the time is running and I had to accept that.

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