A Change of Mind (Lisa POV)

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I just parked my car in  front of jennie's flower shop. Today I bought her favourite milk ice cream. She didn't know I was coming cause I want to surprise her with my presence. Just when I unbuckling my seatbelt I saw jennie walking with her stick on her way to the front door. I smile widely staring at my girlfriend from a far. But it didn't last long until I saw irresponsible person bump into the love of my life which caused her to fall.

That person just walk away and let my girl struggling looking for her stick on the ground. I get so mad as I immediately get out of my car. "You bitch! apologize to my girlfriend now!!" I can't hold my anger. Without sympathy, I dragged that person closer to jennie. "Hon its okay" jennie tried to comfort me. "No its not okay! Apologize! now!" I was on the verge of raging, my eyes were so cold piercing right into that person's eyes and she got so scared by my act.

"Miss I'm so sorry" that person apologised right away. She then helped Jennie get back the stick. Few seconds later she went off without looking.

I was so worried and checked on jennie's body "Did you hurt anywhere?" I asked while checking on her and I saw scatch on her knees. "Lets get in, I get you some medicine" I hold jennie's hand and guide her inside the flower shop.

"What's going on?" Wendy asked with her concerned face. "Someone stupid just crashed into her" I answered. "Hon its okay I'm fine, its just a litte scratch" jennie once again trying to comfort me. "Hon I can't stand when someone neglecting you because of your condition" I said.

A moments later wendy came with her first aid kit box and I imediately apply the liquid medicine to jennie's knees. She just stay quiet. "Honey you okay?" I asked while looking at her face.

She just nodded with a sad smile. Shortly she started to talk "Hon this happens to me many times, its okay I already get used to it"

"No its not okay, I won't let anybody did that to you again, I swear" I was still mad thinking about what happened earlier. I totally forgot about milk ice cream that I supposed to give to jennie.

"why you didn't tell me you're coming?" suddenly jennie asked. "well.. I want to surprise you, I brought your favourite ice cream" I answered. She smile and clapping her hands. Its cute.

Few minutes later we enjoyed an ice cream together.


The flower shop is now closed and I'm sending jennie back home. It still bother me about what had happened to jennie today. Maybe if she is not blind she can protect herself especially when I'm not around. If she is not blind she won't have any scratches on her knees, and if she is not blind she knows where she'll going.

We're both now in my car in front of jennie's house and I started the conversation. "Honey, do you want to see again?"

"Hon I'm comfortable, if this question is because what had happened to me today, I'm totally fine" Jennie calmly explained. "Honey I could help you, I can find a fund for you, besides aren't you curious to see my face?" I continued. Jennie stay quiet as if she's thinking.

"I.. The operation, it's too expensive.." I cut her words and start talking "Honey you know I'm rich, I can help you, please. Can you do this for me?" once again she's quiet for a few seconds.

"I.. I can do it.. But.. it is only going to happen if you allow me to repay you back or I'm not gonna do this". She sounds hesitate.

"Deal! You can pay me anytime, slowly. Just do the operation okay" I feel relief that I could change her mind. Believe me, I don't care about how much will I spend for her. Doesn't matter. As long as she's well.

Jennie, just wait a little bit more. I will find a way to pay your operation bills. I will make you see the world again. I promise.

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