**PART 1**

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"It's amazing how one girl can have all the power in the world." ~Mark

(f/d) = favorite drink

(f/n) = first name

(l/n) = last name

(e/c) = eye color

(h/c) = hair color

(f/r/m) = favorite restaurant meal

~Your POV~

Skylar gathered a few of her things before heading out the door. She grabbed her cell phone, a few bucks in cash, and the key to her house. Her parents weren't home, so she always locked the door whenever she went out.

Mark led us to his car. "Where did you guys want to eat?" He asked us as Skylar locked her front door. I shrugged my shoulders and looked over at Skylar, who was struggling to get her key out of the key hole of the door. She turned to us and laughed awkwardly. "Sorry, I just...can't...get this damn key...out!" She yelled. When she finished her sentence, the key was ripped out and the impact made Skylar fall to her bottom. I giggled as I walked over to help her to her feet. "Good job, genius." I said sarcastically. Skylar took my hand and pulled herself up. "Shut up, (f/n)." She joked.

Mark buckled his seatbelt along with me and Skylar. She sat in the backseat again. "Oh, to answer your question, I don't care where we go." Skylar said to Mark. He nodded his head. "I know a place where we can go." he told us as he backed out of Skylar's driveway.

Mark drove down a busy street. The cars were all driving about thirty miles per hour. The red light we got was taking forever to change to green. I flung my arms up in frustration. "Hurry up, you red bitch!" I yelled. Mark and Skylar laughed. "It's okay, (f/n). We have all the time in the world." Mark assured me. I sighed in even more frustration and slumped in my seat. Yeah, being in jail can really tamper with your patience level.

The light took at least five minutes to finally switch to green. Mark immediately drove underneath the streetlight when it turned green. He probably didn't want to test my patience even more than this red light did.

We arrived at a restaurant that Mark had in mind. It wasn't too fancy or anything. It was more of a family restaurant where they give children little pictures that they can color in with crayons. The second Skylar and I walked through the double doors, everyone here stared at us and became silent. Even the little kids coloring in their pictures were looking at us. Mark stood behind me and Skylar. "Awkward..." Skylar said so everyone could hear.

The greeter, being the only normal one here, sat us three at a table in the back of the restaurant. He placed a few menus down on the table and gave us a few minutes to decide on our drinks. Mark sat on one side and Skylar and I sat on the opposite side. Still, the whole restaurant was staring at me and Skylar. Becoming too fed up with the weirdness, Skylar stood up and faced everybody. "Okay, why are you all staring at us?" she asked sternly. She browsed the whole restaurant until everyone finally turned away from us and talked amoungst themselves. Skylar nodded her head slightly. "Yeah, that's what I thought." she said, and sat back down.

A few minutes later, our waitress came by our table and smiled. "Hello, my name is Jessica, and I'll be your waitress today. May I offer you three something to drink?" she asked nicely. Good, another normal person exists here.

Skylar ordered a coca-cola, Mark ordered a lemonade, and I just ordered a (f/d). The waitress wrote everything down and walked away, letting us know that they'll be out in a minute. Mark faced me and smiled widely. I smiled back at him. "You're so cute." Mark told me. I stroked his jawline, which had some scruffiness on it. Skylar was chuckling at Mark's reaction to my stroking. Mark was making weird faces to hold in his laughter. I guess I was tickling him.

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