Chapter 18

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Why didn't you talk to her earlier?” Elle asks me as I was cleaning the tables. “I did.” I continued to clean the tables. “I mean like a decent talk.” she sarcastically said to me so I look at her then she started laughing at me. I rolled my eyes at her. She's so annoying.

“I thought Travis was going to pick you up.” I suddenly remembered and said to her. “Ah yeah he just texted me that he's at the airport and we'll be coming here a bit late though.” I furrowed my eyebrows at the mention of airport. “Airport?” I ask to myself. “Well he told me this morning  on the phone that he was going to send off someone to the airport but he didn't told me who it was.” Elle shrugged her shoulders.

We started to change and get our stuffs so we can lock and secure the whole place. I turned the lights off before locking the back door. We both waited for Travis at the front when we saw a black car stopping in front of us. “I'm sorry I'm late. Come on.” Travis opened the passenger seat for Elle, he was about to open the backseat for me but I refused.

“Why are you sweating a lot?” Elle took some tissues to wipe Travis' sweats off from his face. “Cala was running late from her flight so we have to run from the parking lot all the way inside to catch it up. That freaking friend of mine was not yet ready when I came to her house to pick her up, she was wearing her shorts and hoodie while eating some ice creams like she does not have a flight to catch up with.” Travis rants as I felt my insides twitch that Cala was already far away from me.

“Where is she headed to?” I ask abruptly I look at Travis from the rear mirror as I noticed how his eyes went wide as soon as he heard my voice. “Oh fuck.” I heard him cursed. He look at Elle briefly as I saw him hesitating to tell me. “Travis please let us know.” Elle said to.

“She's on her way to Singapore right now. Actually she and her team were scheduled to go to Singapore next week but when you two had an argument she suddenly said to me that she's going to fly to Singapore earlier than the scheduled date to organize some things up.” Travis explained but I was not yet convinced I know there is more to it. “Why are they scheduled to go Singapore?” I ask 

“An enterprise had given us an offer and our CEO had personally pick Cala's team to go there. I heard from Cala that the contract will last for about three years or so I think. Actually at first Cala was not going to accept the offer because she's thinking about her teams convenience also.” Travis added as I nod at her. Now I regret snapping at Cala telling all that shit at her.

The car stop in front of my apartment as I went out of the car. “Are you going to be okay alone tonight?” Elle ask. “I'll be fine.” I smiled at her as I witness Travis' car vanished from my sight. I opened the door of my apartment as I throw my bag at the couch slumping back at the couch. She left already and I can't just leave my work to chase her and make things right but for now I'll try to talk to her virtually.

I stare at the ceiling trying to calm stop myself from crying. I just let go a person that loves me truly. A love that Astrid had never given me. I maybe stupid for not doing anything to stop her but if it's her choice I'll let her. I'll let the destiny reconnect our paths once again and let fate decide. Soon my tears finally escape from my eyes falling endlessly as I put my hands on my face sobbing. When Astrid cheated on me I didn't even cry but with Cala leaving just wants me to cry even more and the fact that we aren't even together hurts me more. I hadn't given her any chance but instead I pushed her away that caused her to be actually away from me.

I'll do everything so our paths will be connected again. I'll never leave the shop instead I'll use the shop to thrive harder. I went inside of my room and laid on my bed not minding my clothes for now. I should've said that things to her knowing that I'll hurt her feelings how stupid of me to say that without thinking. I was confused if she's ever going to make a move on me and I was so frustrated that day because of what I am feeling towards her. I don't even know that time if it's love but one thing is for sure that now I do really love her.

People says you'll only notice someone's worth when they're gone. Cala may not be that gone but I felt like I can't reach her now like London to Singapore that's a long ass flight to take. I pulled the duvet up to my head burrying my face on my pillow crying once again.

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