Chapter 2

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*The next day after everybody got settle in.*

Charlotte Pov:

Today is the first day of going to class now I have to wake Maya up, oh yea I almost forgot that me and Maya share a room so does Caleb and Warwick.

C: Maya it time to get up we got school in 30 min

M: ok I'm up

C: good help me pick out an outfit (going to my closet )

M: sure as long as you help me pick out one to

C: deal

After 25 min of getting ready

Char outfit (minus the hat/ hair in a high bun)

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Char outfit (minus the hat/ hair in a high bun)

Char outfit (minus the hat/ hair in a high bun)

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Maya outfit (hair in a slick back ponytail)

C:oh snap we got 5 more minutes to get to class

M: You right we gotta go pick up Caleb and Warwick

C: Ok but we are not gonna be late

M: Ok let's go

After we got to their room we knock serval times.

C: come on we got one more min to get to class

W: (open the door) we ready come on

C: good cause I do not want to be late for class

C: good cause I do not want to be late for class

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Caleb outfit

Warwick outfit

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Warwick outfit

Henry Pov:

Class is starting soon, I am teaching the freshman kids this year. Lord help me with this.

*Bell rings* Students start coming in ok here I go.

H: Good morning

Students: Morning 

H: My name is Professor Hart and I will be your teacher for this year. I teach Math and History, so why don't all of you grab a textbook from the cart and turn to page 23

They do as I say, well this year may not be bad after all. No kids talking back, fighting, talking without permission this is the best class I had all year.

H: Ok did everyone get a textbook

Students: yes sir

H: alright let's start. Ok so today lesson we gonna talk about the..... 

I couldn't finish my sentence cause someone was outside my door was whispering, talking, and laughing. Now who is at my door at this time they are suppose to be in class I finna go see who this is.

Charlotte Pov:

C: open the door!

M: I trying and Caleb stop touching my ass.

C: Sorry just hurry up and open the door.

W: Damn Caleb you trying to hit that. 

We all start laughing and by the time Maya finna say something the door flung open, had all of us fall to the ground. Damn he could of told us to move out the way before he open door for us, RUDE.

Henry Pov:

When I open the door 4 students were there and fell to the ground. I wonder why I mark 4 students absent.

H: Do yall have History now

Them: yes

H: You know yall late

C: Duh we can see that

W: Ik right

H: Hey, do not get smart with me. Now come in and have a sit.

They all walk in and grab a sit right next to each other, huh they must be one of those groups, great they just got here and they already disrespectful wow what a year. I went over to the cart and grab 4 textbook to get them settle, I hand them each a textbook but when I hand over the book to Charlotte I think that's her name that's when my world and life change forever.

Oh oh someone is in love💖💖, What do you guys think of this chapter.

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