Chapter 3

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Henry Pov:

I quickly gave Charlotte the book and  hurry up went to my desk, I didn't know what was that but I quickly got over that. "Ok so since you 4 came in late can you please tell me your names", he said as he went to sit in front of his desk. "My name is Maya, said the girl in the grey sweater. "My name is Caleb, said the one in the black and red jacket. "My name is Warwick", said the one in the red shirt. "And my name is Charlotte", said the pretty girl. Wait what, ok I need to stay focus. "Ok nice to meet you all so let me tell a little something about me, well my name is Professor Hart and I been teaching this school for a year now. Also I been married for about 2 years now and I teach History and Math, so if you have me last then you got Math with me. Ok so let's get started". 

*skip to the end of the day*

Charlotte Pov: 

Finally the end of the day can't wait to get out of my class, oh I also got Professor Hart again, but in History class he keep staring at me idk what it was but I hope.......  "Charlotte did you hear me call your name", said Professor Hart. "Um no I'm sorry, what did you say". "I said can you come to the board and solve this problem", he said while handing me a marker. "Why I didn't raise my hand, I'm sure there's plenty of students in here who would love to solve this problem". "But I ask you, so come do it", while handing it to me . "Ok fine ".  Man I wish my friends was in the same class as me but we all have different math classes, I get out of my sit and walk to the board.

Henry Pov:

I walk to my desk and sit in my chair as soon she got up out of her chair. While she was doing the work I couldn't help but stare at her ass, damn she got one I wish I could hit that. Wait I can't I'm a Professor and she the student and I'm married, ok I really need to get myself together. I was so lost in my thought I forgot she was even doing the work so my focus was back on her. "Done, is that right". she said as she turn around. "Umm, yea you got, good job". " Thanks", as she went to go sit back down, damn when she walk her ass is still cute. "Ok that's it for today take your math notes and study cause our test is next week so have a nice day and study". "Oh Miss Page can I have a word with you" "Umm sure", She said.

Charlotte Pov: 

When he said he wanted to see me I got scared, did I did something wrong or something. I went over to his desk as he sit in front of his desk. "Did I did something wrong". "No why would you say that", as he took his bottle of water and took a drink out of it. "Cause there's a reason you ask me to talk to you after class". " Oh yea about that I wanted to say that you did a great job on that math problem I hardly couldn't get that problem and some other students, but you solve which help us a whole lot so thank you for that", He said. " Oh it's no problem I'm kinda a math genius" I say while laughing a little as he did the same. "No but for real you really are smart", he said as he took my hand and rub the back of my hand with his thumb. I gasped a little as he looked up and smile while continued to rub my hands. "Look I gotta go catch up with my friends so yea", as I quickly took my hand out of his and head towards the door. As I close the door behind me I think to my self what just happen?

Henry Pov:

I don't know what happen back there but it felt right and I know married but she so special. When I rub her hand god her hand was so soft and when we lock eyes gosh her eyes dark brown with sparkle in them was beautiful. Her curly hair it may be in a bun but it was still pretty and her body especially that ass man I just want to rub my hand all of her gosh she is just perfect. I look down at my pants and see I have a boner, "fuck" I said to myself. As I pull my pants down and underwear I rub my hands up and down to get rid of the boner don't want to go home and Bianca see I have a boner. I continue to rub and down against my hard cock and picture Charlotte, "yes baby, mmmm yes baby just like that". "I'm gonna cum, oh fuck" as I release I grab a wet wipe and germ-x to clean up, as I clean up my phone rung I look to see who it is and it was Bianca, I pick the phone and say "hello". "Hey baby are you on the way home" she said in her sweet voice. Damn I was to busy thinking about Charlotte I haven't keep up with the time I hurry grab my papers off the desk and put it in my brief case, "Yea I'm on my way" as I head towards the door and lock it. "Ok see you when you get home", she said. "Ok" as I made my way towards the car and went home.

Charlotte Pov:

"He what" said Maya. I told Maya about what happen today in Math class and now she's kinda going crazy. "Yea I know it's crazy and then when we lock eyes it's like he was seeing right through me" "Girl all I know is if he trying to get with you, he's gonna get fired", she said as she gets up and head towards the kitchen. "It's not like he had sex me as long if he's not touching me in a bad way I'm kinda good, but look even if he's trying to get with me he still got a wife at the house so if he trying to get with me he just have to back off cause I'm not gonna that far for him", I say as I head towards the shower.

Henry Pov:

"Oh fuck Henry", Bianca shouted. I let out a huge grunt and I can feel her coming. "Oh god I'm coming" she said as her eyes rolled back. "Let it go baby" I say as I let go myself, "Ohhhhh" she screamed as she rolled over to her side of the bed and we both let out a huge breath. She rolled back over to me to sleep on my chest and I kissed her forehead. I still couldn't get Charlotte out of my head and when me and Bianca was having sex it didn't feel the same it was sorter different than usually. I slowy got out of Bianca grip, grab my sweats and wife beater shirt and head downstairs I still had some work to finish. As I was finishing it I had to put the 4 students who came in late in History into the system, when I got to Charlotte name and seen a pic of her 

 As I was finishing it I had to put the 4 students who came in late in History into the system, when I got to Charlotte name and seen a pic of her 

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I also look at her record and she's a Straight A student, major is to become a Fashion Designer interesting. Wow she perfect pretty, smart, sassy I could tell when she got smart with me today in class, now that I mostly know about her I want her more than ever and I'm gonna have no matter how long it takes, she's mine and always be mine.

Oh oh looks like the Professor couldn't stop thinking about Charlotte, what do you think will happen in the next chapter?

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