Chapter 7

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Charlotte Pov:

It's been a long day at school and stress so I went to my favorite yogurt shop "Froyo Yoyo", I know crazy name. As I went into the shop and went to the register.

"Hello welcome to Froyo Yoyo, how can I...", he said as he turn around and when I look up it was Mr. Hart. "Hi Mr. Hart", I said a little embarrassed. "Hey Charlotte, how you been". "How I've been, well for starters my History and Math teacher quit and I don't know why"

Henry Pov:

I look back at my other workers and turn back to Charlotte. 

"Just sit at a table and I bring your froyo to you then we can talk."   "Ok also can you get me a strawberry swirl kind", she said.  "Sure go to a table and I be there".  "Fine", as she turn around and found a table.

I went to the back and made her froyo and told my boss I'm going on break. I head towards Charlotte who was on her phone but when she see me I head towards her.

"Here you go", as I hand her the froyo.  "Thanks", she said as she took it from my hands.  "So to answer your question back there, I quit because I been thinking about what you said that you can't be with me with you as my student and me as your teacher so I quit so we can be together."  "I knew it but what I told you before we still can't do this plus your wife", she said.

When she said wife it made me think about Bianca and what she did.

"Hey look at me, what's wrong", she said as she look into my eyes.  "Bianca cheated on me and had a baby with someone else plus she wants a divorce".  "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry", as she took my hand and rub on it.
When we lock eyes it was something about her like she can read my soul but she didn't want me, but I'm gonna get her to want me cause I can't let her go she's too special.

"Hey how about we go to my house", I said.  "Umm no thanks I should head back to my dorm", she said.  "Come on it's not gonna be long plus I take you back to the dorm before curfew", I say trying to get her to come.  "Ok, fine but just for a little while", she said as she put her hands up and giggle a little.  "Ok well let get my stuff from the back then we can go", I said as I went to her side and kissed her cheek.

Let me know what you think of this chapter. Next chapter is gonna take place at Henry's house

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