Chapter 17

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Joss Moss

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Joss Moss

Henry Pov:

I didn't know Joss would be here I wonder what she doing here.

H: wanna sit down somewhere
J:sure(heading to a table)

I seen Charlotte going to back without looking at me I wonder what's going on with her.

H: so what are you doing here
J:well I thought maybe you can show me around for a little while today
H: I don't know about that cause I got a date and........
J: it won't take long I promise
H: ok well give me your number so I can pick you up from where you stay
J: here you(as I give him my number) see you later
H:ok( as she walk away)


Charlotte Pov:

I wonder who is the girl Henry was talking to his sis or ex I don't know I'm so confused I need to talk to him asap.

H: hey Char I finna go
C: go where what about our date
H:I be back in time ok( as I grab my coat)
C: you going with her
H:(I stop in the doorway and turn to face her while going sitting on the couch) what do you mean her
C: the girl that you were talking to at the shop
H: yea kinda
C: who is she (while sitting on the couch across from him)
H: she's nobody
C: she gotta be somebody if you going out with her
H: come on Char we just start a relationship I don't wana fight
C: don't lie to me Hart who is she and I wanna know now!!
H: she's my ex ok
C: oh so you going out with your ex girlfriend
H: yea so
C: so, do you know how this feels for me watching you go out with your ex the night we have a date I've been through this before and not doing it again
H:been through what before
C: this when my ex boyfriend ex came they spend time together as friends then the next day I came to see him they were kissing so I left him I didn't want to hear from here so basically after that I've been single till I meet you and it looks like you gonna be one of my ex
H: come on why you say that you know I love you
C: I know you say it and you show it but just not tonight, going out with her "showing her around" then when you don't know it she wants you to get back together with her.
H: Char that's not gonna happen (getting up and walking to the door)
C: fine but if you not back by the time our date I'm just gonna go get me something to eat with or without you ( walking up stairs)

I walk up stairs to the room and look out the window and see him gone. I just wish he wouldn't go out with her I don't trust even though I don't know her I still don't trust her.

*The next day*

H: good morning bae ( kissing her cheeks)
C: ( moving away from him)
H: come on Char I said I'm sorry I lost track of time
C: sure you did
H: I did and I want to make it up to you if you just let me
C: Fine tonight and you better not let me down( getting up and walking up  stairs)
H: where you going
C: I finna go for a walk and you gotta go to work

* Later that day*

Charlotte Pov: when I came back from my walk and shopping( Henry let me borrow his other car) I went upstairs but stop when I hear something upstairs I got closer and closer and when I open door I see the bitch who trying to steal Henry from me.

Who do you think it is??
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