Chapter 6

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Charlotte Pov:

The past few weeks I've been ignoring Mr. Hart and what we did last week, today is the day I'm gonna talk to him and make it clear to him.
It's the end of the day and class is ending I walk over to his desk and see him look up from his paper.

"May I help you", he said as he got out of his seat amd sat in front of his desk.
"Look what we did last week should never happen".
"You right and I'm sorry for my behavior", he said as he sat up straight.
"It's ok, so let's forget about it"
"Sure", as we locked eyes and something came over me as I walk to him and kiss him. I didn't know what it was but he kiss back and put his hands on my waist and pull his tongue in as an entrance and I except it.

Henry Pov:

Gosh her lips is so soft as we continue to kiss and then she pull away while letting out a groan.

"No this isn't right we can't do this", she said as she back up a little bit.
"What's not right", as I took her hand.
"This what we did". "Look we don't need to do this cause I'm a student and your my teacher plus you're married, come on think about it you can get fired and I can get kick out of my dream school we can't do this anymore and we never gonna do it", as she went to her seat and head towards the door. "But what if I want us to be together". She turn around to face me while still holding the door knob "Are you crazy, do you know you got a whole wife at the house, you can lose your job, and my career about being a fashion designer might not happen if we do this so no", as she turn back around and head out the door.

When I came back from work I heard some noises coming from upstairs. When I got closer to my room the noise continue as I open the door I see Bianca on top of the bitch I hated "Blake Jones".

"Henry it's not what it looks like", she said as she got off top of Blake with the sheets and walk over to me.
"Don't touch me right now I can't even look at you right now how can you do this after 2 years of marriage", I yell getting angry. " I'm sorry but I was meaning to tell you that I want a divorce", said as she got in front of me. "What", I say confused. "Yea the reason for that is because I'm pregnant with Blake's baby."  "You what", you know what don't worry about it cause you are leaving my house so I suggest you pack your bags cause you are staying with your so call baby daddy, now get out of my house both of you". 

When they left I start thinking about Charlotte and what she said, she said that she can't be with me because of my wife which cheated on me and that I'm her teacher well let's see about her teacher.

Next day:

Charlotte Pov:

Me and my friends head towards class and when we got to class the principal walk in with someone "where is Mr. Hart" the student stated whispering.

"Good morning class", the principal said.
"Morning", they said.
"So I just came to inform you that Mr. Hart will no longer be your teacher or work here at all technical he call last night and said he find something better, so give it up for your new teacher Mr. Mathews".


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Ok something was differently was wrong because I know Mr. Hart won't quit unless........
"Damn" I said in my head because I know the reason he quit, he quit because of me I need to find where he works now and tell him he need his job back and we can't be together.

Wow, how about that Mr. Hart quit because of Charlotte. What do you think about this chapter?

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