Chapter 22

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Charlotte Pov:

I'm at the hospital in the room waiting on Henry to come I don't want to do this without him by my side.

Nurse: Mam we gonna ask you to start pushing
C: I can't do this with my boyfriend
Nurse: I understand but we need you to start
C: ok
Nurse: 1 2 3 push

As I was pushing I couldn't do it without Henry I need him, where is he.

Nurse: ok mam you.......
H: sorry hey bae( walking into the room)
C: hey you came
H: of course I will always be here (holding her hand)
Nurse: ok I'm gonna need you to start pushing again
C: ok

As I start pushing I can feel him coming oh lord help me.

Nurse: I see the head keep going and push
C:ahhhhhhh ( hears crying) oh my god (as I start crying)
Nurse: it's a boy (handing him to Charlotte)
C:Omg he so adorable looks just like you Henry except the eyes ( giggles)
H: he sure is what we gonna called him
C: Henry Prudence Hart
H: you giving him my name
C: of course you wanna hold him
H: yea(taking him) Hey son I'm your daddy (kissed his forehead) Oh by the way I called your friends
C: you did where is they
H: they outside hold on nurse can you bring the 4 people who outside
Nurse: sure thing

The next couple of seconds my gang
walk in

M: hey (walking in clapping her hands)
C: Hey
Caleb: oh my god Char he is so cute
C: I know just like his dad ( looking st Henry)
W: congratulations Cuz
C: thank you

* after 2 hours*

Me and Henry was walking out the hospital when 2 officers came our way

Officer 1: excuse us are you Charlotte Page
C: yea
Officer 1: come sit down with me
H: no we have to go together she's my girlfriend so whatever you have to say to her you can say to me.
Officer 1: ok come (sitting down in a chair) oh and congratulations on the baby
C: thanks, so what's this about
Officer 2: it's about Joss
C: ok what about her
Officer 2: We heard she was in the house when the ambulance came to pick you up
H: what she there
C: yes
Officer 1: can you tell me what happen
C: well I was during my online prep for school when a rock went across our front door when I went to check it out it was nobody out there then the security thing call me and ask if everything was alright I said yes even though I didn't know that Joss was in the house she was in our bedroom half naked with Henry jersey on. The next thing I know is that I threw on the ground
Officer 1: why
C: she was talking about my baby and then after we went on and keep on fighting and when I kick her in the gut that's when my water started to break and then I tried to reach my phone but Joss tried to call you (pointing to Henry) but I pull by her hair and hit her head on the ground 3 times till I fell on the floor so that's basically what happen.
Officer 2: we also did a back ground check with you (dropping a file with my teen mugshot)
H: Charlotte what he talking about
C: look officer I think it's my place to tell Henry
Officer 2: ok
C: look Henry when I was around 15 I went to juvenile center
H: why
C: cause I kill my father
H: What why would you do that
C: cause he rape me ok, when he came home he tried to touch me but I push him then we he chase me all the way downstairs I grab a knife and stab him and that's my background check.
H: I'm sorry to hear that so that's why when I kiss you on your birthday you pull back so quick
C: well first I didn't want to lose my degree but I liked you when you kiss me but I let go cause I was thinking will you be just like my dad but you aren't you the guy that cares for me and I love you for that
H: (kiss her cheeks) love you to
Officer 1: also Joss was arrested cause patently she was in a drug game with her dad Mob Moss
H: ok but can I get a restraining order on Joss Moss
Officer 2: sure how about we come to your house Monday morning
H: ok thank you
C: Omg all our trouble is out the way
H: I know come on let's go home with our new baby.

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