Chapter 26

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Charlotte Pov: I was playing with Junior when the doorbell ring I put junior down in his roller and check to see who's at the door I open the door and see his ex😒😒

B: hey is Henry here
C: no he's not so don't bother looking for him
B: excuse me
C: let me tell you something you stay away from Henry and we won't have any problem cause the thing is you want Henry to dump me for but it's not gonna work on me cause he loves he's says it everyday and nothing gonna change that so I suggest you back off my man before you end up being in a ditch thanks for stoping by (closing the door in her face)

"Stupid bitch", think she can get into my head please not anymore. I pick up Junior, feed him, burp him, and rock him to sleep and put him in his crib, and walk to my bedroom and took a nap.

Henry Pov:

"Yea just call him and tell him I met him Monday, ok thank you", as I hang up the business call. I look through my draw to find a pen only find a picture of Charlotte

Gosh I miss her already just thinking about last night the way she ride my cock dang she was a wild one I was interrupt by a phone call

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Gosh I miss her already just thinking about last night the way she ride my cock dang she was a wild one I was interrupt by a phone call

H: hello
Front desk: someone here to see you
H:well who is it
Front desk: your girlfriend
H:send her up
Front desk: got you ( hang up)

I look at some files before Charlotte comes up I can't wait to see her face hope she brought Junior he's so adorable with his bright eyes that's when there was a knock on the door I had a smile on my face

H: come on in bae
B:oh I hope we getting back together if you calling me that
H: (my smile went away when I saw Bianca) what do you want
B: I just came to cheer you up (coming over and kissing him)
H: (pull away) you need to go
B: what's wrong I thought you like consider the last time
H: Listen to me and hear me clearly. I promise Char that I would never kissed or cheat again and I'm breaking that promise do you understand that she almost left me and I had to take it the hard way to make her stay but unfortunately she stayed thank god. I only love her and nobody else so go back to your baby daddy Blake cause me and you are over forever see you the way out the door.
B: (walking out and slamming the door)
H: I need to get home to my babygirl (grabbing his keys and out thr door)

When I got home it was quiet I went to Junior's room and see him sleeping in peace I got out and went to my room and see my Charbear sleep she looks so beautiful she stir a little and open her eyes and saw me and smile

H: hey Char
C: hey Henry
H: look Bianca came into my office today but I told her that I love you and only you then she got made and left
C: (hugging him) Our life is finally back like it should be
H: yes it is (kiss her forehead) love you Charlotte
C: love you too.

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