Chapter 23

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*1 month later*

Henry Pov:

I finally graduated from my dream school and now I'm working at this Photography place and make good money, Charlotte still works at the Froyo place and does school to keep the money going she wants to save some of the money to go out of town this summer. Alot has change the pass month we don't have to deal with Joss, Me and Char baby is still adorable as always (Called him Junior) and Me and Char got a new house for a fresh start I mean I already have the family I need. I'm just waiting for the right time to propose to Char maybe when she finally graduates from NYU, I was interrupt by the doorbell.

H: I get it (walking to the door and open it)
B: Hey Henry
H: umm Bianca what are you doing here
B: I came to see you
H: ok what do you want
B: I want us to get back together
H: ( chuckles) look I have a girlfriend
B: I know but maybe you can break up with her and we can get back together (biting her lips)
H: look what we........
C: Henry can you walk Junior...... (Walking down the stairs and stop and see who was at the door) oh am I missing something
H: no not at all
B: I see you have kid
H: yea this Junior
B: Junior
C: yea Junior as in Henry Hart Jr. Look can you take him I got to go to work but I be back ok ( kiss Junior forehead and kiss Henry's lips)
H: ok bye bae and be safe
C: ok and make sure she's gone by the time I get back I won't be gone long ( walking to her car and gone)
H: what do you want from me Bianca
B: can I come in
H: go head, "lord help me before I snap" (sitting down with Junior on his lap)
B: I heard you graduated from your dream school congrats
H: thanks
B: I also heard that you working with best Photography compact
H: yea so what's........ Oh I see what you trying to do
B: what
H: you trying to get back with me so you can become famous and rich since I with the big famous company out there
B: what that's not true
H: is it cause last time I check you didn't support my dreams, you is with Blake and have a child together.
B: I know but I want us to get back together for real this time
H: ok let me get this straight, you want us to get back together even though I wasn't making much before but now since I'm making money you want me back I don't think so you can go now.
B: ok but you will regret ( slamming the door)

Me regret it please she was the one who wanted the divorce, the one who cheated, and had a baby with someone else I didn't ask for it she did but lucky me I find someone who loves for me she didn't care I wasn't making money that much she help out too with getting a job and carried my child and I love her for that I'm not gonna let go not at all.

Me regret it please she was the one who wanted the divorce, the one who cheated, and had a baby with someone else I didn't ask for it she did but lucky me I find someone who loves for me she didn't care I wasn't making money that much she help out...

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Henry And Char's house

Henry And Char's house

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