Chapter 29

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Warning ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ this part is contain sexual things⚠⚠

Charlotte Pov:

Henry pick me up and sat me on the dresser with the mirror and got close to my face, damm I forgot how good he smells oh what the hell I'm doing.

Henry: you think I don't make you feel good
Charlotte: I never said that
Henry: yea ok any of your ex fuck you
Charlotte: yea so
Henry: did they fuck better than me
Charlotte: I don't know
Henry: hmmm how about I show you(kissing her neck).

Third Pov:

Henry continued to kiss her neck while Charlotte tried to hold her moans, when Henry put his hand on the front of her pants which made her gasped. He look up at her and smile then he lean in and kiss her on the lips she was shocked then he went down to her neck while he raised her shirt up but she pulled back.

Charlotte:stop I can't I have to get to work
Henry: so call in sick Ray will understand

As he go back kissing her neck and pulled her shirt over her head leaving her in her lacey bra and continue to kiss her, Charlotte couldn't take it anymore she grab him by the face and kiss him roughly which made him moan he grab her by her ass and taking her to the bed and put her down now he was on top of her and kiss her all the way to her waist till he took her jeans off leaving her in her lacey panties. He went back up to her and kiss her and Charlotte took him by surprise and flip them over and she took off his shirt then Henry flip them back over and unhook her bra and threw it somewhere in the room. He took one of her breasts in his mouth while playing with the only one, "mmmm"" Charlotte moaned, he did the other one the same and Charlotte was getting wet by Henry's touch.
He put his hand on her clit through her panties, "mmm you already wet for me babygirl", he said in a sexy tone.
Charlotte couldn't answer the question so she just nod her head, that sent Henry over the edge as he took off her panties and went down to suck her clit.
"Oh god yes", Charlotte moaned while grabbing his hair to go further. "Oh yes right there", she continued to moan, Henry could feel her coming but he didn't want her to come yet. He stop sucking her clit and took off his pants and boxer and slam into her which cause her to gasped.
"Oh god Henry, Charlotte moaned while her hands on his back and hair.
"Oh god, you feel that babygirl, Henry said in a sexy voice.
Charlotte nod her head cause she couldn't speak to how close she was, "Henry I'm cumming", Charlotte moaned.
"Me too, go head let go mmm", as he and Charlotte cum together.
Henry fell off top of her and got on his side of the bed.

Henry Pov:

H: how was that did you feel that
C: oh I felt it alright
H: look how about you come back to the house you and Junior
C: I don't know ok
H: is it because of him
C: what do you mean him he is not what you think he is
H: Oh I know who he is
C: you know what I'm leaving (holding on to the covers they cover in)
H: why you cover yourself up you known I seen everything
C: (as she drop the covers while putting her bra on
H: why can't you just leave the punk alone and come back to sexy
C: did you just call him a punk
H: yea cause if he sticks his little dick in your vagina then he's a punk cause nobody can fuck you better than me.
C: ok I think it's tims for me to go
H: whatever have fun with your little bitch
C: (phone rings and her brother is calling)

Charlotte: hello
Jacob: where are you are you ok over there
Charlotte: yes I'm fine I be there in a minute
Jacob: kk (hangs up)

Charlotte Pov:

I turn around and see Henry looking at me I ignore it and pick up my pants and put them on.

H: was that your little boy toy
C: Henry for the last..... You know what I don't why I have to repeat myself with you
H: whatever just go home to your boy toy and call me whenever you miss this dick baby (wink at her)
C: ugh (grabbing her shirt and putting it on and bags)

I had to get out of there cause Henry was about to make me snap but I didn't cause I know how he would react.

Henry Pov:

I look out the window and see Charlotte head to her car and drove off. Whoever this Jacob guy is he better back off cause Charlotte's mine and nothing gonna change that.

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