Chapter 10

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I walked down stairs to get her a glass of water as I made my way upstairs my front door open and it was the cheater.
"Bianca"!!, I yelled.


Henry pov:

H: what are you doing here(as I sit the glass on the counter

B: I just came to get my stuff

H: not today maybe another time

B: what I just came.....(as I look at the coffee table with the divorce papers); I see you sign it already

H: that's what you want and got pregnant by someone else besides me

B: Henry I'm sorry just can you please us another chance and I can have the baby with you

H: not a chance so go

B: let me just get my things

H: like I said another time

B: what's your problem I just..... (I was interrupt by a girl walking down the stairs)

C: Henry what's taking you so.....( I stop at the last step and see a women guess that's he's soon to be ex wife)

B: who is she

H: it's none of your business me and you are over remember

B: no were not we didn't even file them so you still married to me

H: that might me true but you the one cheated in the first place

C: Henry I'm just gonna get my stuff and head out(as I turn around)

H: no you are not going anywhere

B:come on Henry if she has to go then she can I'm sure she has some ho business she has to do(while smirking)

C: what did you just say( she came all the way down standing next to Henry)

B: I said you might got some ho business to do nobody could love a slut like you

C: bitch who you think you calling a slut(as she went in Bianca face and slap her)

H: ok that's enough Bianca go I call a moving truck and tell them come get your stuff do not come back over here(as he grab Charlotte by the waist before she go into a fist fight with her) ; I will send the divorce paper and file them.

B: fine (as she left the house and slamming the door).

H: you ok ( as turn her around to face me)

C: yea I'm good (as I hug him

H: (kiss her forehead) you want me to take you back to your dorm

C: no I don't have school tomorrow so can I stay the night with you then you can drive me back tomorrow.

H: sure just call your friend and tell her you safe with me ok

C: ok

She said as we walk back up stairs to my room she called her friend and told her she staying with me until tomorrow after that we had sex then something happen I didn't think she will say. "I love you no matter what and I always gonna be here for you". I kissed her forehead and she fell asleep and I said "love you".

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