Chapter 16

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Henry Pov:

Last night was great I finally ask Char to be my girlfriend and she spent the night. I woke up this morning and see Char still sleep, I go down stairs to make us breakfast I know she will love it and later on I might take her out for dinner since she out for 2 weeks.

 I woke up this morning and see Char still sleep, I go down stairs to make us breakfast I know she will love it and later on I might take her out for dinner since she out for 2 weeks

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Me and Char breakfast

I went up to the room to wake her up

H: Charlotte come on and get up ( in a whisper)
C:( still sleep)
Henry: ( start kissing her on the head and the lips) come on bae
C: ( starting to stir) Henry what are you doing
H: what it looks like I'm waking you up now come on I cook  breakfast for you
C: you did where is it ( as I sit up)
H: come on follow me( as I held out my hand for her)
C: ok ( taking his hand and walk down the stairs)
H: surprise
C: aww bae you didn't have to this
H: well I wanted to now come on let's eat

*at the table*

Charlotte Pov:

Henry is really sweet I never meet any guy like him I'm glad I'm his girlfriend

C: so did you get any letters for your dream school
H: I've been meeting to talk to you about that and I get to go back to school
C: Omg that's amazing
H: I know
C: so are you doing online or in person
H: I mostly doing online
C: ok well that's great now you can follow your dreams
H: thanks, you know there's something about you
C: what is it
H: I don't know but you are a caring and kind person that I never seen in anybody else so I thank you for that
C: well I'm here for you anytime although I am your girlfriend ( giggle a little)
H: ( chuckle) yea how about me and you go out tonight
C: ok but today I'm doing a job interview
H: ok where is it
C: well it's kinda where you work at
H: are you serious
C: yea
H: wow my own girlfriend will be working with me I'm so excited
C: me to, speaking of I gotta go and get there
H: let me take you I gotta work anyway
C: ok

*at the Froyo Place*

H: ok let me go get the manager and tell him that you here
C: ok ( as Henry kiss her cheeks)

R: good morning young lady my name is Ray Manchester and you don't have to call me Mr just call me Ray
C: ok

R: good morning young lady my name is Ray Manchester and you don't have to call me Mr just call me RayC: ok

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Ray Manchester
R= Ray

R: so I seen the application you fill out the other day and I have to say that you gonna be good here so how about you start today.
C: ok but can I get out early cause I have a date
R: ok is with him( pointing to Henry)
C: yea how you know
R: well I know Henry since he was 5 he's kinda my stepson
C: oh ok
R: yep and he talks about you all the time
C: does he
R: yep so come with me and we can get your uniform and then you can start
C: ok ( as I get up and follow him)

*wiping the tables*

As I was washing the table Henry look at me and wink and I wink back we return to our work when a customer walk in. I look back up and see Henry hugging a girl who is she probably just a friend.

Henry Pov:

When I return to my work and see my ex girlfriend but we still friends

H: Joss
J: Henry Omg it's been so long
H: I know ( as I went around the register and hug her)

OMG Joss is back😳😳😳. What does she want with Henry, what are your thoughts for this Chapter?

Let me know in the comments below.👇👇👇👇👇


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