Chapter 13

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Charlotte Pov:

I woke up of the sound of my alarm I let out a groan "great another day" I say in my head. I get up make my bed and head towards the shower, after that I get in the kitchen and make me some bacon, egg and cheese biscuit. I decide to wear something nice cause I've meeting up with Henry this afternoon.

After I was done with my breakfast I check the time and see I better get to class I grab my bags and books and head out the door

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After I was done with my breakfast I check the time and see I better get to class I grab my bags and books and head out the door.

*later after school*

M: hey Charlotte wait up( as she walking up to me)
C: hey wassup
M: you wanna hang out with me and the guys today
C: sorry I can't gotta meet up with somebody
M: when you mean somebody you mean Henry( as she push me a little)
C: yea it's him ok and I promise me and the rest of us are gonna hang out Thursday like old times
M: true we always go to the Froyo place every Thursday
C: I swear( as I got a message)

Henry😉💖: I'm outside waiting for you😉

C: umm I gotta go he's outside
M: ok have fun but not too much fun
C: ok( as I walk outside and see him)
H: hey Char
C: hey you ready to go
H: yea come on ( as I open the door for her)
C: thank you( as I close my door)
H:so where do you wanna go ( as I start my car and took off)
C: it really don't matter it doesn't have to be special
H: ok how about Chick-fil-a
C: sure

*at the restaurant*

C: so while we waiting on our food we need to talk about our relationship
H: ok what about it
C: the other day when we say I love you to each other do you really love me
H: of course I do, do you love me
C: I do I never seen nobody like you before and I think that you something special the way you care for me and I love you for that
H: ( I grab her hand and kiss her) I love you too
C: Look I know you going through a lot right now
H: yea and I promise when the divorce papers are filed we can spend the rest of our life together
C: you are so sweet
H: I know (😂😂)
C:(😂😂) oh look our food is here let's dig in

*after the date*

C: I really had a great time
H:me too

Henry pov:

When she said that I swoop in for a kiss gosh her lips is so soft and we pulled away and smile.

C: see you next time
H: sure thing

She open the door and close it and head towards her dorm, man this girl gonna be the death of me I said to myself as I drove off.

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