Chapter 20

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Charlotte Pov:

When Henry didn't say anything I got worried I didn't know he wanted to be with me anymore.

H: I can't believe I'm gonna be a father
C: yes you are with your child only nobody else
H: (hugging her) Omg I can't wait to see you ( rubbing Char stomach) but what are you gonna do about school
C: I guess I have to do the online prep
H: ok so I am I starting this week
C: that's good I'm gonna go to bed
H: ok ( kiss her forehead) good night bae
C: night ( walking upstairs)

Well I'm glad he took that well but I'm still concerned about Joss I just want to kill her but I don't want to go back to my teen ways, I killed my father cause he raped after that I went to juvenile center for a year. I just don't want that, I was brought out of my thought when Henry came in.

H: hey bae
C: hey
H: hey what's wrong
C: I just wanna kill that bitch Joss
H: I know you do I just want you get into trouble
C: me either
H: let just hope she gone by her way
C: you know she want do that( getting up and walk to the window)
H: (went by her and wrapped his hand around her waist) look how about I get security alarm for the house so if she tries to break in the alarm will go off.
C: but she has a key
H: do she or maybe somebody change the lock
C: oh you are so sneaky ( turning towards him)
H: and you are so sexy speaking of which why don't you go change to your sexy pj's I like
C: sure ( kiss his lips and head towards the bathroom)

C: Henry I finna come out
H: ok bae I'm ready

H: mmm your ass looks huge in thatC: well thank you ( as she got in the bed)H: while you was in the bathroom I call the security thing and they be by here in the morningC: that's sounds greatH: also before I forget ( reach over the dresser and gra...

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H: mmm your ass looks huge in that
C: well thank you ( as she got in the bed)
H: while you was in the bathroom I call the security thing and they be by here in the morning
C: that's sounds great
H: also before I forget ( reach over the dresser and grab a box) here
C: ( open the box) you giving me a house key
H: yep so whenever you feel like you wanna come over and see me or when you get bored you can over
C: thanks( giving him a hug) I love you
H: love you to

*the next morning*

Henry Pov: I got up and open the door for the man who gonna do our security.

Schowz =S

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Schowz =S

H: so how does it work
S: so you punch in your code everytime you leave the house then when someone breaks in the alarm will go off and police will show up.
H: ok that's settle every..... ( look up and see Charlotte) morning bae
C: morning who is this
H: oh this Schowz
S: Hello
C: hey
S: ok that's it and here's my card if you need anything
H: ok will do ( close the door)
C: so we safe
H: yes bae we change the locks and now we have an alarm system ( kiss her cheeks) come on let's go back to bed.

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