Chapter 24

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Henry Pov:

I just came home from work Charlotte working kinda late amd Junior is with Char's mom so I got the house to myself peace and quiet until there's a knock on my door, seriously I got up and open the door and see Bianca uhhh.

H: what do you want
B: can I come in
H: go head ( as I shut the door)
H: whatever you got to say make it quick
B: I want us back together ok I really do
H: there's no way I'm getting back together with you plus I have a family
B: you could just break up with her
H: I'm not gonna do that she too important to me
B: oh you mean your old student
H: so what's is it to you, look I'm done talking to you see your way out the door ( walking up stairs)

I turn around and see Bianca following me uhh what do she want now I told her to leave.

H: Bianca I told you.......

I was cut off by her kissing me what the fuck I tried to back off but damn she was she was strong what she do lift weights as she push me into my bedroom and lay me on the bed I tried to get up but she push me back down and got on top and kiss I couldn't help it anymore it felt kinda good but Char's a better kisser.

Charlotte Pov:

I got home with Junior man today work was kinda hard now I gotta up to my room to see if I left his toy in there I went upstairs and when I open the door I seen something I thought I never seen Henry kissing his ex wife.

C: Oh my god (they both stop and look at me)
H: Charlotte it's not what it looks like
C: oh it's exactly what it looks like that you were kissing your ex in our house I thought you love me but you prove me wrong
H: I do love you
C: Oh please it's was probably her plan to separate us but look she did good job doing that
H: what are you saying
C: I can't do this anymore the competition I have with your exes ( crying) the way they come back to your life to take you away from me I fight back too much without you saying anything for them to leave I always do the fighting for our relationship. We have a son now (pointing to Junior) but it looks like you don't care about me or Junior
H: what why do you say that you know I care about you
C: do you cause this isn't caring this is disappointing
H: I'm sorry please don't leave me
C: but you wanna leave me ( puting Junior down on the bed) Bianca you need to leave now.
B: fine but I be back bitch
C: (slap Bianca hard) don't you ever call me that you do it again I'm sure that you won't be alive the next day.
B: uhh ( running out the house)
C: now you if you wanna get back with your ex wife go head cause I'm leaving and taking Junior with me (grabbing Junior and taking him to the bed)

When I got to his room I place him in his crib and pack some of his stuff and put it in the bag and head towards the kitchen and pour me a glass of wine, I went to turn around and head towards the couch but before I can do that Henry came up and slap me which made me drop the glass and break. He did a hard slap which hade my check hurt and made me cry how can he, I thought he was different.

H:(bending down to Char) look you and Junior are not going anywhere you got that
C: yes we are
H: Shut up!!
C: ( back up a little )
H: so you think you crazy well guess what sweetheart I can show you who's more crazier in a minute you got that
C: (shaking my head)
H: good and I'm not gonna cheat on you again and you are not going anywhere either is Junior. So if you try to get away from me trust me baby that's not gonna be good, now come on let's go to bed after you clean that up( heading towards upstairs.

I can't believe Henry threaten me and Junior I need to get out but he won't let me go and my strength got weaker. I clean up the glass and head upstairs and put my pj's on, once I got out the bathroom I see Henry sleep I hurry up and grab my blanket, pillow, my phone, and a a baby monitor and head towards down stairs when I had my hand on the knob a voice scared me.

H: where do you think you going
C: I thought you were sleep
H: well you thought wrong so answer my question where you going with that stuff
C: I'm going to sleep on the couch
H: no I don't think so you sleeping with me tonight
C: please I just need some space
H: you don't need anything (standing up and walking towards her grabbing her stuff and setting on the dresser
C: Please
H: no you are not going anywhere so come with me to bed
C: ok ( walking to bed and jumping into it and towards the other way so I don't look at Henry)

*Middle of the night*

I hate what Henry's putting me through he act like I don't need space uhh I just want to sneak out of here with Junior I can't even move right cause Henry's arms are around me tight. I check the monitor and see Junior crying I quietly got put of Henry's grip and went to check on Junior I check to see if Henry's still sleep and he is I put Junior in the car seat and grab my bag and his and slip my jacket and slides on and head towards downstairs to the door quietly before I made my way to the door I was push into the door and everything went black.

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