Chapter 9

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Charlotte Pov: 

On the way home I couldn't stop thinking about Henry he was handsome, sweet, and had big dreams I didn't know about and I want to be part of his dream because he is the guy I been wanting for a longtime my other relationship didn't last long cause they are nothing like Henry. 

I quietly walk into my dorm and look to make sure Maya still sleep, when I took one step Maya jump out of nowhere.

M: hey Charlotte 

C:Maya what I told you about sitting in the dark you gonna mess give someone a heart attack.

M: whatever where have you been I've been trying to reach you all day

C: sorry I had to go somewhere (make my way towards my room)

M: I know, but it shouldn't take that long to go to the froyo place unless......  oooh did you meet a cute boy there.

C: you can say that(trying to avoid the question)

M: no don't try to avoid the question what's his name(as I sit on her bed)

C: look I know we don't keep secrets but I got to tell you something and you promise not to get mad

M:sure what is it

C: you know our old professor

M: Mr. Hart what does it have to........ OMG the guy you met at the froyo is Mr. Hart

C: yea and I know you told me to watch out for him but I see something in him that I didn't see with the other guys I dated

M: look if you like him and want to date him go head because he don't work at this school no more, but I have a question what about his wife

C: He said his wife got pregnant with someone else and she cheated on her so she left.

M: wow that's crazy

C: yea I know 

M: but as I was saying watch out for him he might be dangerous 

C: I know but I know he's not dangerous (as I walk towards the bathroom)

M: ok but I'm telling be careful

Next day (after school):

Henry Pov:

"Thanks for choosing Froyo Yoyo". I just finish serving a customer and now I have to clean the table but I have to say I love this job I'm working here until I go back to school to live my dream, as I was cleaning the table I seen someone I was happy to see.

C: hey Henry

H: hey Charlotte, what are you doing here

C: I came to see and talk to you

H: umm sure my hour almost done so you can take a table, do you want anything 

C: no thanks

H: ok well you can just sit there and wait till I'm done, ok

C: ok

I turn back and continue spraying and wiping the table down after I was done I have to served some more costumers and then I was done for the day.

H: you ready to go, did you drive or walk

C: I walk today

H: ok come on

When we got to my house I check my mail and saw an envelope I check and see there's any other mail then we went to the house, when I open the envelope it was the divorce paper thank you can't wait to get this over with.

C: What's that

H: just divorce papers I have to sign can you past me the pin on the kitchen counter 

C: sure( as I went to go get the pen and hand it to him)

H: thanks( as I sign it and put the papers on the coffee table); so what do you want to talk about

C: well I was kinda wondering if you want to finish what we started the other day( I said kinda nervous) 

H: sure( as I pull her in for a kiss)

Author Pov: 

Henry scooped Charlotte up as she wrap her legs around around him, they went up to the room and Henry laid her down without breaking the kiss. Henry went from her lips to her neck and sucked on it which made her moan a little. She pushed him off her and he looked at her confused until she took her shirt off showing off her lace black bra, she pull him by his neck and pull him in for a kiss with their tongue fighting she took him by surprise and flip him over so now she was on top of him. He sat up a bit while kissing her neck "mmm", Charlotte moan; he continue kiss her neck while she tug on his shirt for a single to take it off and he take it off as Charlotte lay him his back as she went down and sucking on his neck and he sure she left a hickey on his neck, "mmm fuck", Henry moaned. 

* I hardly don't know how to write a sex scene so I'm gonna skip to the end of it*

Henry Pov: 

C: wow that was something right( hardly out of breath)

H: yep it sure is ( as I pulled Charlotte close)

C: hold on I gotta go to the bathroom you got a shirt I can borrowed 

H: yea look in my  second draw 

C: ok can you go downstairs and give me some water(as she walk over to the draw

H: for what 

C: I gotta take my pills

H: right cause I didn't use protection 

C: duh I always keep it on me never know( as she walk to the bathroom and closed the door)

I walked down stairs to get her a glass of water as I made my way upstairs my front door open and it was the cheater .

"Bianca"!!, I yelled.

Oh oh Bianca is back what does she want from Henry.

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