Chapter 19

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Henry Pov:

I'm at work just thinking about last night Char told me the truth and she went back to her dorm she just need a little break I get it after everything but my mind goes to Joss why she lied to I should of known she still a liar, I taking people orders when Joss came in. I told Ray I'm going on break.

J: hey Henry
H: what do you want
J: what do you mean and what's wrong with you(sitting down at the table)
H: Char told me everything that happen, look I can't hang out with you anymore
J: why
H: cause she told me how you came to my house half naked I mean wtf Joss
J: you really gonna believe her
H: of course she's my girlfriend
J: who try to kill me
H: I talked to her about that and she can't control it unless she goes to therapist which is Maya cause she going out to do that
J: so you can't show me around town anymore
H: no I can't
J: wow just for some bitch you call "girlfriend"
H: hey you watch it
J: whatever ( walking out the door)

Well that went well, now I just need to make it up to Char by taking her to dinner then after it take her to my house and maybe we could watch a movie.

H: hey Ray
R: Hey wassup
H: can I take the day off
R: sure let me guess you have a date with Charlotte
H: yea
R: go head and have fun but not too much fun
H: ok thanks

I decide we do matching outfit that I send Char the other day.

I decide we go an arcade I know she love it cause her friends told me

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I decide we go an arcade I know she love it cause her friends told me. I went to pick up Charlotte and when she got in the car damn she look so fine like always and on we went.

*at the arcade*

Charlotte Pov:

Me and Hen played many games like laser tag, bumper cars, and many other games. Henry won me a big teddy bear and I won him a baby giraffe, we also took some pics in the photo booth and let someone took our pics.

C: Thanks for date
H: no problem plus I owe it to you after everything
C: yea (walking to the car)
H: Love you ( kiss her lips)
C: love you too ( getting in the car)

*at Henry's House*

Once we get to his house we walk in and see glass all over the floor and curtains tore. We careful went over the glass and head towards the bedroom and when we open the door the sheets was all over the room, the matress flip over, mirror broke and when I look at the bed there was a pic of me and Henry at the park but my head was cut off "oh hell naw this bitch had really lost it"

H: Charlotte look she left a note
C:( grabbing the note)

"You think you could end this Henry well guess it's not over yet, you remember when you kiss me the night you were supposed to go your date, soon you will be mine after I get rid of your little bitch ass girlfriend"!!!!

C: Wait you kiss her
H: yea kinda
C: I can't believe you and I was gonna give you another chance and tell you something important but it looks like you don't care about me that's it I'm leaving ( walking out the door)
H: you are not going anywhere( grabbing her by her waist and threw her on bed)
C: no I'm leaving I can't look at you right now
H: please don't go
C: please let me go (push him on the floor and running down stairs to the door but when she open the door it close back up)
H: you are not going anywhere ( threw her on the floor)
C: What happen to you I know you wouldn't do this
H: I'm sorry ( getting down to look at her crying eyes)
C: why did you kiss her I thought you love me
H: I do love you and she kiss me but I couldn't get away she hold on me too tight but I got out of her grip
C: ( looking down)
H: look I didn't mean to throw you I'm just afraid if I lose you then I might go crazy or even feel down for letting you go
C: ok I won't go ( hugging him)
H: what was thing you wanted to tell me
C: ( taking out a positive pregnancy test from her purse and handing to him)
H: Char are you.....
C: yes Henry I'm pregnant

Oh oh Charlotte is pregnant😱😱😱
Will Henry stay with her or leave??

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