Chapter 28

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Charlotte Pov:

I woke up in the middle of night recapping what happen before I fell asleep then it hit me Henry had slap me and drag me to our bedroom I tried quietly to get out of before he wakes up but I couldn't cause he handcuff me to the drawer damn. I look around for something till I realise I have a pair of earrings in the drawer I quietly pull the drawer out and took out the earrings and tried to hurry up and uncuff my hand and lucky I did, I quietly went to my closet and get my bags I had pack for the sleepover I was suppose to went yesterday and slip on my shoes and head out the bedroom door. I went to Juniors room and grab his bags I pack earlier encase to spend over my mom's then I grab him and put him in his carrier then grab his things and went on downstairs, I grab my jacket, his bottles, and keys and head out the door.
I knock on the door of my parents house and see Jacob open it.

I knock on the door of my parents house and see Jacob open it

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Jaco: hey sis why you out this late
C: where's mom
Jacob: she went to the airport 2 hours ago
C: damn
Jacob: why you and Junior here what's wrong come in (letting her in)
C: I just need to stay here a couple more days
Jacob: (look at her cheek) Char did he slap you
C: no it's just a scar I be fine really
Jacob: ok here come bring Junior to his bed then you can go to bed
Charlotte: ok (as I shut my phone off)

Henry Pov:

I woke uo with the sun hit my face I got up and look out the window ok time to wake Charlotte up.

Henry: Charlotte get up (turn around only to find it empty) damn

I look at the handcuff and see a pair of earrings on the floor damn wait did she took Junior I went to check his room only to find it empty too damn I went back to my and grab my phone to call Charlotte but she didn't answer . Ooh when I find Charlotte she gonna regret leaving me (as I went to take a shower.)

Charlotte Pov:

I walk to Juniors room and see him still sleep good I walk to the kitchen and see Jake reading a book.

Jacob: morning Char
Charlotte: morning big head
Jacob: that's how you talk to your older brother this morning
Charlotte: whatever (getting coffee and walking to the couch)
Jacob: how you feeling
Charlotte: I feel alright being safe
Jacob: now Charlotte you can tell me anything if he's hurting you then you need to say something cause you know....
Charlotte: I know you an protective big brother
Jacob: right so if he ever touch you just call me
Charlotte: ok I will anyway I gotta go back to the house to get my work clothes
Jacob: want me to come with you
Charlotte: no I'm good you gotta watch Junior plus I don't want Henry to see you
Jacob: why he already know I'm your brother does he
Charlotte: no that's the reason I came yesterday he got mad cause he saw a picture of us hugging then when I want to explain to him he won't let me get my sentence out
Jacob: wow
Charlotte: yea I know (getting up) I finna take a bath then head out.

I got back to the house Henry should be a work by now so I'm good I head towards Junior room to get a few things and put it downstairs and got his milk and food things and put it in his bag. I went to my room and pick out some clothes and put it in my bag. After I look for my work clothes and see it I go to the bathroom and change into it and fix my hair I put it in a low ponytail dang this pants got a little tight I had gained some curves and a little booty but it's alright I check myself out I went to my bag and get my earrings but when I raised back up and look in the mirror I see Henry  behind me which kinda scared me.

Henry: hey babygirl
Charlotte: (hurried up and put my earrings on) umm hey
Henry: where were you
Charlotte: I was gone
Henry: gone where
Charlotte: I spend the night with someone ok (fixing her shirt)
Henry: (put his hands around her waist and head in her neck which made her gasped) you smell good
Charlotte: umm thanks
Henry: I miss you noe where you spend the night
Charlotte: At Jacob's now move (push him out the way and grab her bag)
Henry: (brought her back) you mean the dude you fucking
Charlotte: I'm not fucking him if you let me explain who he is
Henry: you don't have to say nothing I know who he is your fuck boy cause you think I don't have the dick to fuck you well let me show (throwing her bag on the ground)

Next part very sexual

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