Chapter 25

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Charlotte Pov:

I woke up with a bad headache I hardly remember anything last only thing I remember is that I push into the door then everything went black, oh no where is Junior I try to get up and run to Junior but I was handcuff to the dresser by the bed damn. I tried to get out but he put it too tight before I can try it again the bedroom door open.

H: good morning sunshine
C: morning where's Junior
H: oh he's in the room sleep
C: thank god
H: what you thought I put my son in danger
C: no not really umm can you take these off for me (showing him the cuffs)
H: no
C: what do you mean come on I have to pee
H: that's not my problem
C: come on stop playing let me go to the bathroom
H: uhh fine (grabbing the key from his pocket) here you go
C: thank you ( heading towards the bathroom but almost falling)
H: Char you ok
C: yea just my head hurts
H: maybe someone knock you out
C: how did..... Wait did you knock me out last night
H: maybe but I never tell ( walking out the room)
C: uhhh that's Henry Hart for you

*night time*

I got dress cause Maya taking me clubbing cause I need a break from work and just stress.

I got dress cause Maya taking me clubbing cause I need a break from work and just stress

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With my hair in a messy bun, I went downstairs cause should be here any minute.

H:where you going
C: just out with Maya
H: oh with that dress on
C: yea so
H: so you not gonna let me hit it before you go
C: boy whatever you know what happen I got pregnant
H: I know
C: good I finna go she's here see you ( heading out the door)

*at the club*

M: girl you cute
C: thanks I tried my best
M: anyway how is Junior during
C: he's good he be a month next week
M: aww he's growing up already
C: I know anyway I'm gonna get another drink
M: you just had by 4 of them are you sure you good
C: yea I'm good let me go get you one too (almost trip)

Maya Pov:

Where is Char she was suppose to be with me this girl right here always gets drunk everytime we go clubbing

C: hey Maya (slurring)
M: Char you drunk
C: no I'm living life baby
M: ok we taking you home now.

Henry Pov:

I was at home watching T.V and eating my chips when the doorbell ring. I turn off the T.V amd head towards the door, I look at the glass door and see Charlotte and Maya I open the door.

M: hey you can take her she's in her drunk mode so bye
H: ok Char come with me
C: oh hey there sexy
H: she's right you drunk( walking her to the couch)
C: no I'm not ( slurring)
H: let me go get you some pills ( walking to our bathroom)

Thank god Junior is over my sisters house cause he can't sleep with this type of noise, when I close the medicine cabinet I startle cause Char was in the doorway just looking at me.

H: ummm here you go and a bottle of water ( handing it to her)
C: thanks ( as she took the pill)
H:welcome ( walking out the bathroom)
C: (wait push him back in) how about we do something fun (touching his hair)
H: you know you are not in the best state right now
C: I know but I want you ( raising Henry shirt up and biting her lips)
H: Char I don't think we should......

I was cut off by Charlotte lips on mine gosh I miss those lips I grab her to pull her closer, she slip her tongue in and we was fully making out but she pull away and towards to face me I was confused.

C: do you want me
H: I want you so bad
C: then what you waiting for (as she jump on the counter of the bathroom) come here

As I kiss Char with full lust I want her so bad I'm hard as a rock you know what I can't take it anymore. I pull her dress up and see her biting her lips as I see her red lacey panties and feel how wet she is.

H: you so wet for daddy huh
C: mmm
H: you like that don't you
C: oh yes

I continue to rub her wet clit through her panties, I decide to take it off while kissing her neck which made her let out a moan.

C: mmm I want your cock
H: you want it that bad
C: yes (moaning)

When she said that I was more than ready when she said she wanted it well she ask for it she's gonna get it good as I pull my pj's pants down along with my boxers

H: you ready
C: (nod her head)

As I slip in she gasp, I took it slow until she got use to it and that's when she said go faster so I went faster like she ask god she was tight as fuck and we just had a kid. I feel her juices coming up but I didn't want her to let go yet so I pull her down off the counter and flip her over so she was facing the sink and mirror and hit it from the back.

C: oh fuck
H: you like when daddy takes control (smacking her ass)
C: yes
H: yea you like that mmm fuck you feel so good
C: oh make me feel good ( grabbing back of his neck and pull him down for a kiss)
H: oh fuck yes
C: oh shit I'm coming
H: hold it I'm not there yet
C: please daddy
H: come
C: ahhhh fuck!

I pick her up and put her in one of my t-shirts I grab her birth control pills in the dresser and put it on the table so in the morning she get it. It gonna be good in the morning.


Charlotte Pov:

Gosh I woke up with a huge headache god what even happen last night all I remember is going to the club with Maya then everything went blurry.

H: morning
C: morning, do you know what happen I went clubbing with Maya
H: yea and I got to say you a freaky as hell when you drunk
C: I was drunk
H: yep and damn you wild
C: did we have....
H: yes in the bathroom and then in the middle of the night you was on top of me while I was sleeping and rode me which woke me up.
C: wow
H: yea that's what I said wow ( smiling) oh before I forget the birth control is right there ( pointing beside her)
C: well thanks for taking care of me
H: no problem and I always will take care of you and please say you forgive me
C: I don't we see about that, if you act right maybe I could take your forgiveness if you take mine
H: why what did you do
C: for never hearing you out
H: of course but I have to wait on mine
C: come on you gonna make me wait longer
H: ok ok I take that one (hugging her and kissed her checks) love you and I mean it.
C: love you too

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