Chapter 8

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Henry Pov:

When we got to my house I unlock the door and head towards my living room.

"Come in and make your self comfortable", I said as I moved the blanket out the way.   "Thanks, so what do you want to talk about", she said as she sits on the couch.   "How about we get to know each other", I said as I turn to her.   "Ummm sure", she said a little nervous.  "Well for starters I was born in Canada and I moved down her when I was about 5. Also Warwick is my cousin but we act like we're siblings plus I knew Maya and Caleb since 7th grade and my major for this year is to become a fashion designer, so that's basically everything about me how about you", she said.

Charlotte Pov:

"So you already know half of my life so far", he said as he turn to face me while I nod my head.  "So I really didn't want to be a teacher", he said kinda sad.   "But why did you do it in the first place".  "Because when Bianca didn't support my real dream I just had to do something else even though she didn't like it.", he said.  "What was your dream job", I asked.  "I really want to be a photographer I aslo have some photos I did", he said.  "Ooh can I see them", I said excited. "Sure let me go get them", he said as he got up and went to his room.

Skip to 5 min later:

"Oh my god these are amazing I can't see how you not famous yet", I said as I went through his photos of art.  "Yea it just something I do on my free time or on the weekend when I don't work", he said.  "Well I think you need to go back to school and do your photographer", I said as I set the album down. " You really think I should", he said.  "Yea I mean with these photo you took and add edits you could make more money than now, I believe you could go out there and be what you wanna be don't let Bianca get into your head", I said as I touch his face. 

We lean in and that's when we kissed.

Author Pov:

Charlotte and Henry continue to kiss while their tongues flicking together. Charlotte lay Henry back on the couch and got on top of him not breaking the kiss while Henry move his hand up and down on her waist till he got to her ass and gripped it and she let out a moan. Henry flip them over and now was on top of her continue to kiss her and move his lips to her neck.
"Mmm Mr. Hart", Charlotte moan.  He moved and face towards her, "call me Henry", he said as he went back to kiss her neck. Charlotte tuck on his shirt for a single to take it off, he moved up for a bit and took his shirt off while Charlotte stare at him up and down until she pull him back in for a kiss. They continue to kiss until Henry raise Charlotte shirt up a bit which made her gasped but she let him continue, she moved up for a bit and took her shirt off and threw it in the room somewhere and grab Henry by the neck and brought him in for a kiss and flip them back over and on top of him again. She rode him and move her lips to her neck. "Mmm Charlotte keep going", Henry moan.
Henry move his hands towards her ass and gripping it which made her let out a soft moan, he moved his hands towards her back getting ready to take her bra off until her phone ring.

Henry Pov:

When her phone ring she got off of me and grab her phone amd head towards the other room, when she left I let out a groan if her phone haven't ring we would got even more further and I think we're getting progress she just gotta trust me. I heard some foot steps and knew it was Charlotte. 

"Hey I gotta go but thanks for showing me your art and your place", she said as she grab her shirt off the floor and put it back on.  "No problem, maybe we can do it again like hang out or something", I said as I walk her to the door.  "Um, I have to think about it but if I change my mind I come to your job", she said as she turn the door knob. "Ok see you soon and get home safe", as I kissed her. "Ok", she said as she went out the door when she close the door I started smiling. I seen her blushed she think I didn't but I did, she totally in to me as I turn the lights off and head towards my room.

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