Chapter 11

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Charlotte Pov:

I woke up from the sun that hit my face, I raise up from the bed and see Henry gone I wonder where he went until the bedroom door open with him coming in with a tray with breakfast on it.

H: good morning beautiful

C: aww thanks good morning to you to( as he kiss my checks)

H: I decide to make you breakfast since you stayed last night

C: aww you didn't have to that

H: naw I wanted to do it, go head and take a bite

C: mmm this is so good, where do you know how to cook like this( as I take another bite)

H: well my mom's a cook so I learn alot from her

C: well this is good

H: thank you

C: do you know what time it is ( looking for my phone)

H: yea it's around 10am

C: oh snap I gotta go can I use your shower

H: go head and why you in a hurry I thought you don't got class today

C: I don't it's just I take dance class and I gotta be there by 11

H: ok well I get ready in the downstairs bathroom while you use that one then I take you back

C: ok

*skip to dance class*

C: Hey Maya ( running in the studio)

M: why you late

C: sorry I lost track of time

M: that's why you call me last night where you with him

C: yes I was with him and this morning we had breakfast and I lost track of time.

M: well good thing you made it on time

"Good morning class I'm your dance teacher, Miss Carson

"Good morning class I'm your dance teacher, Miss Carson

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(Miss. Carson= MC)

MC: so today we gonna learn a new routine, cause as you knoe we have a dance recital coming up in 1 month so it's not time for playing so let's dance.

*after practice*

MC: ok that's end of today's lesson see you Tuesday
Oh Charlotte can I talk to you for a second

C: sure, wait for me Maya
What you need me for

MC: I want you to do a duet with one of the best dancer in this school

C: umm I don't know why don't you pick anybody else

MC: because you are the top dancer so is Maya but I already have her a partner

C: fine I do it when does dude come in

MC: Tuesday so be prepared

C: yes ma'am ( as I walk back to Maya)

M: what she say

C: me and you are gonna have a duet with one of top students dancer

M: no way

C: yes way (as we jump up and down)
Come one let's go.

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