Chapter 27

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Henry Pov:

Charlotte went to her mom's house so she left me with Junior for father and son time. Me and Junior watch a little T.V then I feed and burp him then he played with his toys and now he's sleeping wow what a long day and it almost 7pm. After I clean up the room check up Junior the doorbell ring I went to open the door and was finna close it back up but Bianca came in anyway.

Henry: what do you want I thought you move on by now
Bianca: I can't I still love you
Henry: for the last time I don't love you anymore I love Charlotte and shd loves me back
Bianca: oh do she
Henry: oh yes she does
Bianca: well she doesn't look at this photo (showing him the photo of a guy and Charlotte hugging at the froyo place)
Henry: why should I believe you
Bianca: maybe cause I still care you know where to find me when she dumps you for that (walking out the door)

*That night*

Charlotte: hey Henry (opening the door) ok so I got us some Chinese food on the way home (setting on the counter)
Henry: that's great (rolling his eyes and head towards the kitchen)
Charlotte: ok I finna go take a shower (walking up stairs)

Charlotte Pov:

Ok when I came home I expect him to be happy to see me what was really going on with him I got out the shower and put on a my night gown with my sexy robe I know Henry likes it so I thought maybe cheer him up a little.

Ok when I came home I expect him to be happy to see me what was really going on with him I got out the shower and put on a my night gown with my sexy robe I know Henry likes it so I thought maybe cheer him up a little

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I walk into the kitchen and see him eating while on his phone I got my food and seat with him.

Charlotte: so how was today
Henry: it was alright

Alright how can it just be alright when he spent time with his son like come on. After I finish eating I see him on the couch watching T.V I went over there amd sat in his lap rolling my hips on him see if he pay attention but instead he threw me off him and went on to his bedroom.

Charlotte: what is your problem I come home to expected something good from my boyfriend but all I see is rudeness.
Henry: I'm just tired ok
Charlotte: naw something up cause you use that excuse everytime you don't want to talk about nothing come on I thought we tell each other everything
Henry: nice you already talking about trust when you hardly know about trust
Charlotte: what do you mean I do I tell you everything
Henry: oh were trying to tell me this (showing a pic of Charlotte hugging another guy) huh
Charlotte: you think I'm cheating on you
Henry: well are you cause it looks like it
Charlotte: wow you can't even trust me around guys cause you think I flirt with them I'm not like that but you wanna go around and talk to other girls like some type of asshole

Henry Pov:

That earn her a slap she pushing my buttons again she should of never did that.

Henry: listen here you tell this sucker whoever this is tell him that you taking
Charlotte: he knows I'm taking
Henry: then why you with him
Charlotte: if you let me explain who he is....
Henry: shut it I don't want to hear another word coming from your mouth now come on you going to bed (grabbing her by the arm)

We made it to the bedroom and I push her on the bed as I went in my draw and brought my handcuffs out when I turn around she was already sleep good perfect timing. I put the handcuffs on her hands and cuff her to the drawer next to her side that teach her a lesson about pushing my buttons.

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