Chapter 21

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*8 months later*

Charlotte Pov:

I am at my dorm packing my stuff cause I moving in with Henry since I'm pregnant he wants me to be safe so I went along with it.

M: I can't believe you moving out
C: I know but it just for safety for me and the baby
M: speaking of is it a boy or a girl
C: it's a boy
M: omg have you told Henry
C: no but when he finds out it's a boy he will be very happy
M: I know, hold on let me call the boys and tell them that you ready

C: Thank you so much for helping guys
W: no problem
Caleb: yea and make sure you call or ft us everyday
C: don't worry I will and maybe y'all can come over anytime right babe
H: yea sure
C: ok I'm ready go I see y'all guys soon (hugging her friend group) ok see you
M: bye Love you girl

And off they went.

*Few hours later*

Henry Pov:

I'm so happy that I ask Char to stay with me I wanted to take the next step in our relationship and since she 8 and a half months pregnant I want her to be safe. Now that I got her by my side plus my school prep I think we gonna turn out good, as I hear footsteps walking to the living room.

C: hey bae
H: hey what you up to
C: what do you mean
H: you smiling so what's up
C: ok fine I tell you well I went to the doctor the other day
H: yea and
C: we are having a baby boy
H: Omg (hugging Char) I knew we was gonna have one
C: yea you told me several times but I thought it was a girl
H: but you thought wrong. We are having a boy oh I can't wait till he comes out ( rubbing Char stomach)
C: so how is school
H: pretty good I'm getting there almost done with the school
C: well that's good to hear ( kiss his checks)

* Next morning*

H: ok bae remember set the alarm when I walk out the door and hope you do good on your online prep
C: ok I remember the code
H: ok and be safe ok ( kiss her lips) love you bae ( walking out the door to his car)
C: love you too ( watching as he leaves for work, close the door once he leaves and set the alarm and head towards the living room for her class)

Charlotte Pov:

When I was during my lesson the alarm went off and a rock landing wood floor I went out the door and see what was that but nobody was there, oh well must be the kids outside. I went back inside and continue to do my lesson and that's when the security thing called I told them everything is fine after I hung up I heard bumping up stairs. I quickly close my laptop and sneak upstairs to see what's going on and when I open the door this some of a bitch think she cute with Henry oversize t-shirt this hoe got some nerves.

C: you got some nerve coming up to our house
J: our house
C: yes I moved in yesterday
J: well it looks like you won't be staying long cause he's gonna leave you and that little bitch call a baby
C: what did you just say coming close to her
J: I said he.......
C: (I didn't let her finish I pull her hair and threw her off the bed) you think you could just snatch Henry away from me naw sweetie you mess with the wrong person ( as I grab her by her shirt and punch her)

She push me on the bed as she run down stairs I catch up to her before she even hit the stairs I push her to the wall real hard and push her down the stairs and see her laying there, I made my way down the stairs and see her. I go to walk to the kitchen but she grab ankle and made me fall back a little and run to the door but before she can do that I close the door and push her to the door and flip her over the glass table by the couch, she tried to get up but I kick how many times I want until my water broke.

C: ahhhhhhh shit (holding my stomach) no no it's too early

I look down at Joss and see her not moving I hope I didn't kill her I lay on the couch and see my phone I reach to get it but Joss woke and push me on the floor and got the phone I try my best to crawl when I reach I see her trying to call Henry oh hell naw I grab her head and hit her head on the floor 3 times until she knock out. I get my phone and call 911

"911 what's your emergency"

"Help I'm going into labor and I need an ambulance this way

"Ok is this your address (telling her the address)"

"Yes that's it hurry please"

"Ok we on our way".

Now I need to call Henry searching for his number, ok I got it. It rung several times but he didn't answer so I gonna leave a message.

" Henry bae umm I'm going to the hospital cause I'm in labor and I need you to meet me at there please be there"

"Knock Knock", Miss Page can you come to the door".

I crawl my way to the door cause I can't stand that's how much pain I'm in but I manage to open the door.

" ok get her up there and take her to the ambulance"

"Mam do you need to take her to the hospital"

The nurse said looking at Joss.

C: um sure

Nurse: ok that her to the hospital while I get her"

Henry Pov:

R: Henry your phone was ringing but someone left a message ( giving him the phone.

I took the phone and see Charlotte was calling but she left a message, She said she at the hospital cause she going into labor

H: Ray I gotta go
R: why
H: it Char she's going in to labor
R: ok go head and call me when you get there
H: ok

Lord I hope I get there on time before she gives birth.

😱😱😱 Charlotte in labor, will Henry make it in time????

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