Chapter 15

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*1 month Later*

Charlotte Pov: 

Today is the day of the recital I'm so nervous and Henry is gonna be here OMG I'm really freaking out but the good news is that me and Dylan going last. I got a text from Henry

Henry😉💖: You ok
Charbear💖😏😜: yea just a little nervous
Henry😉💖: it's ok just breath in and out till you feel ok
Charbear💖😏😜: ok

As I breath in and out he text me again

Henry😉💖: after I got a surprise for you
Charbear💖😏😜: really
Henry😉💖: yep
Charbear💖😏😜: well gotta go wish me luck
Henry😉💖: don't need it👍💖😉

MC: ok everybody gather around
So our group ia going first then the duo's, ok let's go out there and show them what we got.
M: you nervous
C: no not really you
M: kinda yea
J: hey it's alright we got this
D: yep, let's go

As we run behind the curtains to see them dance.

As we run behind the curtains to see them dance

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Charlotte dance outfit

Charlotte dance outfit

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Maya dance outfit

Maya dance outfit

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The boys tux

MC: Hello everyone and welcome to NYU Dance Academy where our dancers come to spread their wings. We are gonna have 3 performers 2 of duos and 1 as a group, now further do let our show begin.
*Audience clapping*

The group


MC: can y'all give a round of applause for the group

*Audience clapping*

MC: ok next we have a duo give up for Maya and Jake ( walking out)

*Audience shouting and clapping*

Mc: how did y'all like that. Ok we got our last duo give it up for Charlotte and Dylan

This it I walk to the stage and see Henry and he gave a thumbs up here I go.

I was afraid I was gonna fall but Dylan hold on to me when it was over everybody start cheering and I look over at Henry who wink at me which made me smile.

M: Omg girl you did good out there
C: so did you ( as I hug her)
D: that was amazing
C: ik right
D: (I kiss her but she pull back and look kinda crazy) what's wrong
C: look you sweet and cute but I'm kinda in a relationship now so me and you is never gonna you know.
D: I understand I'm sorry
C: it's ok ( as I walk to my dressing room and lock the door)

Ok I don't what just happen but along as he not gonna be here anymore and he apologize so I'm not gonna worried about it. I was interrupt by a knock on my door.

C: who is it
H: it's me
C:( went to my door and open it. )
H: here you go ( as I hand her the roses I got her)
C: awww you so sweet ( as I kiss him on the check) so what is the surprise you was gonna tell me.
H: well my divorce papers was filled and I got them about last week so let's say I'm single
C: Omg you divorce
H: yep that means there's room left for you( as I grab her by the hips and kiss her lips)
C: so this means we are.....
H: yep hold one let me ask you in a proper way. Charlotte will you be my girlfriend
C: yes I will ( as I grab him by the head amd kiss him)
H: ( I pull back) hey how about we go to my place and maybe hang out
C: sure I meet you by your car so I can get my things
H: ok but hurry up
C: ok

I walk back to my dorm to pack my night gown and clothes for the stay over

M: hey where you going
C: going over Henry's
M: ok but is his wife gonna be there
C: I thought I told you this but I tell again anyway. He sign the divorce papers
M: but it's not file yet right
C: it is file
M: Omg do you know what this means
C: yes that me and him can be together
M: you falling for him hard is you
C: yea you can say that
M: ok you can go but be careful cause if he hurts you he's gonna have to go through me
C: Love you( as I hug her)
M: love you too call me when you get there.
C: ok ( as I walk out and went to his car)

H: you ready
C: yea let's go

And off we went.

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