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Letters -

"Fiona! Come eat dinner!" Mother called, I put away my pencils and sketch book and run downstairs. "Hey lil' sis!" Fred messes up my hair.

"You'll pay for that!" I yelled.

"Fiona, calm down." Dad laughed.

"Yeah, Fifi." George agreed.

"Don't call me that!" I bossed, Ginny comes down the stairs.

"What have I missed?" She asks, "They were messing with me." I give Fred and George an eye roll.

"Kids! Come eat." Mom cut off our conversation. We all sit on the long, round wooden table.

"What's this?" I ask grabbing a slice of the triangle shaped food with cheese on it.

"It's called pizza, it's a muggle food." Father tucks in a napkin inside his shirt. Ron, Ginny, and I all look at each other with disgusted faces. "Come on, eat up." Mom sits down at the table, I look back at the triangle slice. I take a small bite at the tip, it tasted good, but not something we would usually eat.

An owl comes to drop off mail. "Ginny, Fred, George, Fiona, and Ron." Mom said passing out letters.

"Hogwarts?!" I look surprised.

We all open the notes and read them. "I'm going to Hogwarts!" Ginny howled.

"I did too!" Ron shrieks.

"Looks like you guys all did." Father added.

"When do we go?" I ask dad.

"When does it say?" He replied.

"That's next week! And we have a list of supplies!" I start smiling more. "Okay kids, go upstairs to sleep." Mother said grabbing the plates.

"We will have to go to Diagon Alley soon. You need some rest." Father added, everyone runs upstairs, Ginny and I both shared a room, so we went in our room.

"I can't believe it." I said putting the letter against my chest. "But we are only eleven, what if we get lost-" Ginny cuts me off.

"We are fine, sis." She gets on her bed and under her sheets. "Night, Gin." I turn off my lamp.

"Fiona, wake up!" I hear, I quickly sit up.

"What?" I groan.

"Dad is taking us to Diagon Alley!" She said grabbing my hand, "Go put on something, dark colors!" She walks out the room and closes the door. I change into some black jeans and a maroon tee shirt.

I walk downstairs, everyone is by the fireplace each grabbing Floo powder. "Fiona! Just in time." She hands me some powder and stand inside the fireplace.

"Diagon Alley!" I exclaimed letting go of the powder, I slip out another chimney, Ron let's put his hand. "I hate that." I grab his hand and wipe off the dirt and sand off my clothes.

"I know." Ginny, Fred and George all follow us, "What do we do?" I ask looking at my list.

"Come on kids!" Mom said walking in front of us. I see a couple of family's glare at us, maybe even laugh.

"Go pick out your wands!" Mom said opening the door. "Oh, the Weasleys!" The man walked towards his counter. He gives each of us a wand. Mine glows and my ginger hair starts flying everywhere from the power coming from the wand, so does Ginny's.

"Oh, first pick was the right one!" He looks at Ginny and I. We nod and leave with the wands.

"Mom, dad!" I yell running over to them. "What wands did you guys get?" She looks at mine and smiles. We both showed her our wands.

Mom said, she looks at Ginny. "Wow, you girls were lucky. Now why don't you go explore. I'll get the rest of the list for you girls." Mother said, we give her our lists and run off.

"Ginny! Isn't this crazy?" I did a spin.

"What now?" She asks excitedly. "I don't know." We stand there for a moment. Ron, Fred, and George run up to us. "Cool wands!" I look at each of them.

We find an ice cream parlor and get some ice cream. We all see our parents run up to us with animals and supplies. "What's all this?" I laughed, she hands each of us an animal, she gave me a brown owl.

"Come on let's go kids." Dad said.

We arrive home, and everyone goes upstairs to fall asleep except me, I grab my spell book and started looking through it. This was awesome, I thought flipping through pages full of hand motions, words, and pronunciations.

The next day, we all eat dinner silently, "Can we try some spells?" I groan.

"Absolutely not!" My father bosses. Fred and George start laughing at me.

I roll my eyes, "I can't wait to go to Hogwarts and get away from you guys." I cross my arms.

"We will still be in the same house." George added, "You don't know that, what if you get Hufflepuff?" I laughed a little bit.

"We won't, as long we don't get Slytherin." George snickered. "I can't wait until I get Gryffindor." I added. "Slytherin are so cruel, they think there top level." I assumed.

"They aren't bad, we shouldn't judge others' houses." Ginny nudged me and laughed.

"Have you seen what the founder of Slytherin did?" I asked, "Of course, not all Slytherin are bad." She crosses her arms as well.

"You guys are so opposite but are twins." Ron joked. "Yeah." We both said at the same time. Ginny and I look at each other and laugh.

"Night." I smile walking up the stairs. "That eleven-year-old is something else." I hear my mom muttered, I hear everyone laugh. I let out a small giggle too.

I got into my pajamas and fell asleep.


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