twenty one*

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"Harry!" I go up to Harry, "I didn't say hello to you yet." I give him a hug.

"Ron get out of the kitchen." Dad said.

"Yeah, get out the kitchen Ron!" The twins repeated. "Feet off the table!" My dad told them.

"Feet off the table!" They took there feet off until he looked away.

We get to the massive field where the two teams were playing. Fireworks went off everywhere, there was cheers and screams for each team. "Blimey dad! How high are we?" Ron asked.

"Let's put it this way.. if it rains, you'll be the first to know." We looked down and it was Lucius and Draco, air was pushing there hair back and the light shined on them both. Draco was wearing a black suit, and he looked at me and smirked.

"Father and I are in the ministers box by personal invitation of Cornilius Fudge himself." Draco's voice echoed inside my head.

"Don't boast, Draco." His father put the metal part of his stick against his chest pushing him away.

"There's no need for these people." He looked up at us. We all walk away put Lucius grabbed Harry's foot with the metal part holding it down. I saw them talk but I didn't know what they were saying.

We take our seats at the very top and people with brooms zoom past us. They shoot fireworks and form someone dancing.

"Here com the Bulgarians!" A team of people with red instead of green zoom through the dancing firework. They do some cool tricks on their brooms.

"Who's that?!" I asked pointing to the guy who's doing a handstand on his broom.

"That, sis is Viktor Krum! The best seeker in the world!" I kept hearing cheers and screams calling his name.

"He doesn't look like the best seeker in the world." I teased. Fred and George look at me in shock.

"You'll see."

We get back to the tent. Fred and George were dancing to Irish music and Ginny, Hermione and I were cheering Krum's name.

"Stop! Stop! It's not the Irish, we have to get out of here." We all leave the tent, people start blowing up everything. They were wearing masks.

"Get out! It's the death eaters!" A guy said running away, "the port key! Come on and stick together!" Dad yells, we all run and run following him.

Fred and George grab Ginny and I's hand and we ran all the way to the port key. "What about the rest!?" I asked looking back.

"Listen, dad gave us the responsibility of you two, they will be fine." Fred quickly said, George looked at the fire and people running he just stood there.

"Sorry Fred, if I die tell them it was my fault." I push away from Fred's hand and run into the fire trying to find Hermione, Ron and Harry.

"Fiona!" Hermione grabs my arm, "I lost Harry he was just right there and-" she was worried.

"We will find him alright? Go find my dad and Ron and go to Fred, George and Ginny." I pointed to what direction they were in, she nods and all the sudden I was alone.

"Fiona, you got to get out of here." Draco grabbed my hand, "Draco, my friends!" I cried, I was also coughing from all the smoke.

"Listen to yourself, your coughing really badly." He grips my hand tighter and keeps running.

"Since when do you care, Draco?" I coughed.

"Go up there, to your family okay?" He points to the hill where they were standing. He puts his hand on my cheek, "stay safe." And then it was only me again, I run out the fire back to my dad, coughing.

"Harry is still in there." Ginny started tearing up, she quickly ran up to me and I hugged her tightly.

"How'd you get out? I was scared to death I would loose my twin sister." She cried on my shoulder.

"Draco helped me out, it's lots to explain okay? Don't tell anyone." I whispered, "as long your alive, I don't care who helped you. Hell, I don't even care if you-know-who helped you." I smiled and let out a laugh.

"Please don't do that again." She whispered, I nod and we both look at the fire.

Hermione and Ron both come out. "Did a death eater get him?" I wiped my tears on my shirt.

"Fiona, I bet you Harry is fine." I breathed in and out slowly trying to relax.

"What if he's not?!"

"He is."

"We will find him, get back to the port key." I run to Fred and George.

"Let's go." We all grab on, Ginny gets on next to me. and we fly back home.

"Listen, we go back to Hogwarts tomorrow, you need some sleep." Fred pulled my hair.

"I can't, not without knowing everyone is okay." The door opens and I see Ron, Hermione, dad and Harry. I walk up to Harry and hug him.

"You scared the life out of me!" He hugs me back.

"I got knocked out." He added.

"i'm sorry I couldn't save you-" he cuts me off.

"You and Malfoy, huh." I look at him in shock.

"I saw how he touched you. I wasn't knocked out when that happened. Was he the reason you went back into the fire?!" His voice started getting louder.

"Malfoy? As in Draco Malfoy?!" Hermione looks at me with disgust.

"I went back for you! He caught me walking around and told me to get out!" I yelled, everyone got quiet.

"And I thought my day couldn't get any worst. Your the only person I was worried about! Because your my best friend!" I couldn't stop the tears from falling down.

"I thought we were more than best friends, Fiona."

"This is why I didn't tell you anything about Draco, because you would all freak out." I turn around.

"So there's more?! After everything hes done to you, to us-" I looked back at him, Hermione frowned.

"What do you want me to say? "I'm sorry for hanging out with someone?!" You don't control my life!" My voice was shaking as I said that.

Everyone looked at me, "what's going on here?" My dad said opening the door.

"Off to bed." I close my door for my bed room and sat against the door crying, bawling, sobbing.

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