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-!This chapter is based off the second movie!-

" Ladies and gentlemen what an extraordinary moment this is, Harry Potter here with us." Harry and Gilderoy and in a side hug taking photos.

"He has no idea he will be leaving with my entire collected works." He hands Harry a stack of books.

Mom took the books from Harry.

"Go ahead, I'll get these signed." She said, Ron, Fred, George, Ginny, Hermione, Harry and I all walk to the front of the store.

"I bet you loved that didn't you Potter, famous Harry Potter, cant even go to a book show without making the front page." Draco walks us to us.

"Leave him alone." Ginny scoffed.

"Oh look Potter, you got yourself a girlfriend." Draco looks at Ginny, and then at me. Another tall man enters the bookstore.

"Now now Draco, play nicely." Lucius Malfoy steps into our conversation.

"Harry Potter, finally nice to meet you." He slowly said holding his hand out, Harry grabs his hand and shakes  it.

"Now excuse me." Lucius grabs Harry closely and examines his scar.

"The legend is true." He whispered.

"Voldemort killed my parents, he's nothing more then a murderer." Harry jerked out of Lucius's arms.

"You must be very brave, to mention his name. Or very foolish."

I walk to the other side of Harry, I didn't notice Draco was standing there.

"Fear of a name creates more fear then the thing itself." Hermione bossed.

"Oh Ms.Granger, I've heard lots about you, and your parents. Muggles are they?" A small smirk grows on his face.

Lucius turns to me.

"Red hair, fakened expressions, second hand book." He grabs a book from a bucket we were holding,

"A Weasley." He scoffed.

"Come on children." Dad came up behind me.

"Lucius." Dad looked at him, mad.

I hate everything about this argument, I hate the Malfoy's no matter what. I look at Draco. "How do you live with such cruel people?" I whispered, but how? How could Draco live like this?

"Come on, Draco." Lucius opens the door and leaves.

"See you at school." Draco scoffed to Harry, he looks at me and raises his eyebrows up and down.

The next morning..
"Come on, come on!" We were almost late to the train.

"Go ahead George." He runs it to the wall that leads to platform nine and three quarters. I follow, along with Fred and Ginny. Mom and dad run behind us. I sit next to Hermione, it was only us two.

"Wheres Harry and Ron?" She asked me,

"I don't know." I quickly looked outside the window.

"Hey, sorry about Lucius." I spoke.

"It's fine, the Malfoy's just need to grow up." She laughed a bit.

"Malfoy's need to grow up? We will see about that mudblood." Draco overheard us.

"It's true though, just look at yourself." I laughed.

"Now, if you mind-" he cuts me off,

"Blood-traitor." He scoffed.

"I hope that is not the only word in your dictionary." I shut the door in his face.

"Your too brave." Hermione spoke.

"I just learned how to stand up for myself, I always got bullied by him as a kid." I sighed and put my head against the window.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She didn't know.

"it's fine, I guess I got too used to it." I see a flying car hovering next to the train.

"Is that-" I look at Hermione, and grin. "I wonder how mad mother and father are going to be." I laughed. "

Why aren't you bothered by Draco?" Hermione gets next to me and I loose my focus.

"You are, aren't you." I guess she could tell.

"Sometimes." I look into her eyes.

"Get on the bright side, what if he bullies you because you know.." I look at her confused.

"Malfoy?! Of course not, why would he possibly like me? Even if he did, I wouldn't. Who do you like?" I asked.

"Nobody." She gave a small grin.

"Doubt that." I teased.

"I'm guessing you like Harry." She smiled,

"No! That's weird, we are only friends.

" I crossed my arms.

"Mind getting me a chocolate frog?" I asked Hermione, she nodded and left leaving the door open.

Hermione comes back, and we were arriving anyways.

"The line was long." She spoke handing me the blue box.

We get off the train and get in the boats.

I put my bags next to everyone else's and go to my dorm.

"I can't believe it." I say plopping onto my bed.

"I know, and I can't believe we are sharing a dorm." Hermione plopped on her bed too.

"I'm so tired." I yawned.

"I'm going to change." Hermione grabs her pajamas and leaves our dorm. I actually needed to change too, so I quickly put on my pajamas before Hermione came back.

I hear the door open.

"Harry." I look at him, he was a mess.

"Are you okay? What happened to you?" I rush over to him.

"The Whomping Willow happened." He sighed.
"Hopefully your parents aren't mad about it." He giggled.

"I know." I giggle too.

"Why are you over here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see if you were asleep." I motion for him to come in. He slowly closes the door behind him.

"How are you?" He asks.

"Good." I responded quietly.

"Hermione told me you stood up to Malfoy." He sat down on my bed.

"Yeah, sorry about his dad yesterday." I sit down next to him,

"It's not your fault." Everything went into silence.

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