thirty two

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I haven't talked to Draco since that whole thing happened. It was time to leave for summer already, it went be so fast. I close my trunk and quickly say bye to Luna and Neville. I wave as they leave the castle, it suddenly all went quiet.

"Weasley." I turn around and Draco stood there. "Malfoy." I look down at the ground, and I could feel Draco getting closer. "I'm sorry, about my father." He slowly lifts my chin up to look at him. "It wasn't your fault, it wasn't his either." His eyes glowed against the light. He slowly kissed my forehead, "I promise, when I come back from summer we will spend more time together." I whispered, smiling. "Good." He kisses my forehead again. "Bye." He let's go of me and I leave for the train.

"Harry!" I run up to him and give him a hug. "Well, that was another crazy year. I think next year will be the same." I exclaimed. "I was planning to say the same thing." Harry replied smiling.

-Recap: it's a couple days before they go back to Hogwarts, again it showed nothing in the movies about there summer.-

"Mom, when did Harry get here?" Ginny asked, I run downstairs. "Harry's here?" I run down more stairs to get to Ginny. I see Harry and I run up and hug him. "Harry!" Hermione hugged him after I did.

"So when did you get here?" Harry asked Hermione, he was doing something with his wand. "A few days ago." Hermione replied "Fiona, your room is so colorful." Ron complained. "Well, that's how I like it." I joked.

We are all at Fred and George's joke shop. A bunch of kids were there testing out pranks, and buying candy. We follow Ron up to Fred and George. "How much is this?" Ron asked. "Five galleons." They replied at the same time. "What about for me?" "Five galleons?" The looked confused. "I'm your brother." They look at eachother. "Ten galleons." He rolls his eyes and walks away. "Come on guys." Ron opened the door for us.

"How are Fred and George doing it? All the alleys closed down." I look at the bright red shop of theirs. We all pause and look at Olivanders. "Oh no, everyone got their wands from here." The door squeaks as we walk in. Ron looks out the window. "Hey Harry, Draco and Mummy does not look they they want to be followed." I look outside and see Draco and Narcissa Malfoy walking into an alleyway.

They all look at me. "What?" I look down at my feet. "Your boyfriend is creepy." Ron complained. "He's not my boyfriend." I scoffed opening the door. We slowly follow them and try not to make any noise.

They walk into Borgin and Burke, then some Death Eaters walk in. We all climb onto the roof and watch them all walk in. "Fiona you get in front of us, because if anyone sees us your the sacrifice." I look at Ron and roll my eyes. "Oh come on."

Draco slowly rubs his hands against a door. "What could that be?" I asked, "no idea." Harry got closer. A death eater blocks our view. "Get down!" I whispered, we all got down and the man closed the blinds.

We were now on the train going to Hogwarts.

"So what do you think Draco was doing with that weird looking cabinet?" Harry wondered. I sighed and looked out the window. "Fiona, you okay?" Hermione asks. "What could be possibly be hiding from me?" I whispered. "I don't know." Ilook at Harry. "I think he's one of them, a death eater." I peek up and cleared my throat. "How could that possibly-" Harry cuts me off. "His father is one, you never know. I need some air." He grabs his jacket and leaves the compartment.

"You need to get all the information you can, Fiona." Hermione put her hand on my knee. I look up at her and nod, "But what if he is one?" I looked at Ron. "I'm not letting him hurt you, I'll beat him up if he does." Ron spat, he laid his back against the booth.

We arrive at Hogwarts. "Wheres Harry?" Hermione asked, I shrug. "I'll go look for him." They nod. "I'll take your trunk for you!" Hermione added, I grinned. I observe the room Harry was nowhere. I see Draco stand up. "Draco?" He looks at me. I walk up to him slowly, "I've missed you." He pulls me into a small hug. "I have to take care of something, meet me you-know-where tonight." I raise and eyebrow and let go. "Okay, bye." I run out.

That was weird..

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