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"Harry!" I cheered holding my umbrella tightly, it was windy, cold, and there was a thunderstorm. All the quidditch players had to wear goggles so they can see in the rain.

He chases a Hufflepuff into the clouds, and he kept getting further and further until he wasn't seen anymore. "I brought snacks." Ron hands me some jelly beans. Hermione looks at us and starts to laugh,

"You guys are so alike." She joked.

We see a Hufflepuff heading straight down to the floor, it was only Harry in the clouds. "Harry, come on!" I started to get worried and squeezed Ron's arm.

"Fiona." I look at Ron's hand which had a marking of where my hand was and I shrugged.

I see Harry, unconscious about to land head first onto the field. Dumbledore casts a spell so he doesn't get hurt.

"Harry?!" Everyone gets around him,

"Come on!" I run down into the field.

"Harry, come on!" I shake him but he doesn't wake up. Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout take Harry away. I run up to Hermione and hug her tightly, we were in the middle of the field and everyone was looking at us. The wind blew out hair, and the rain started to get heavy.

"Let's go inside, we are all soaked." She leads me inside Hogwarts and they give us towels to dry off.

"I'll be right back." I run into the Great Hall even though nobody was there, but then I hear the door open.

"Nice in here isn't it?" I turn around and Draco Malfoy was standing right there.

"Not in the mood." I groaned, shivering.

Draco stands next to me taking off his robe, he slowly put it around me. It was so warm, and over-sized.

"Thanks." I sit down at a table looking up at the ceiling.

"Do you like, Potter?" When Draco said his last name, I could hear the venom in his voice.

"No, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you." I start twiddling my fingers.

"Nice ring." I didn't even realize I had it on.

"Thanks." I get up.

"Let me walk you." He offered, I look at him and shake my head.

"Absolutely not."

"You know you want me to." He smirks.

"No, I really don't. Can you go away now?"

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I didn't even want to walk with you and your mudblood ass anyways."

I look at him with disgust as he walked away.

"Shut up Fred!" I laughed, we all look at Harry who was waking up.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked.

"Brilliant." I hand Harry his glasses.

"You fell off your broom." Ron exclaimed, "really?" Harry looked confused but we explained the whole story.

"Oh and as you were falling off.." Ron shows Harry his broken broom.

"I'm sorry, Harry." I sighed.

"It's not your fault, it's nobody's." He smiled at me.

A few days later..

Hermione, Ron and I walk around the snow. "Isn't this awesome? I love snow." I smiled looking at the white layer below our feet.

"Well well, look who's here." Draco and his two goons come up to us.

"Malfoy." Ron scoffed.

"You two shopping for your new dream home?" Draco looks at Ron and Hermione, I roll my eyes at him.

"Don't your family sleep in a uh, one room?" Draco looks at Ron and I.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy." I bossed,

"Ooh, not very friendly. Boys, I think we should teach Weasel-bee how to respect her superiors." Draco fixed his black jacket and his fluffy hat.

"Hope you don't mean yourself." Hermione laughed sarcastically. I giggled as I saw his look on his face.

"How dare you talk to me! You filthy little mudblood." I throw a snowball at him. Then another one comes flying at him from far away. It was clearly Harry with his invisibility cloak. Snow keep getting thrown at him, Harry grabs each of them and does something different to each. While Harry was messing with the other two boys Draco walks up to me.

"Forgot my robe?" He had a smirk on his face, Hermione and Ron look at me with a dirty look.

"No no! You don't get it!" I begged.

"Ew! My sister and Malfoy?!" Ron looked disgusted.

"You don't get it, I'll explain in the common room." Harry grabs Draco and pushes him down a hill. All three of them leave.

"Now explain." Hermione said turning on the fire place for the common room.

"Listen, Draco found me somewhere and gave it to me because I was cold! That's it!" I hoped they believed me.

"Fine, but if anything like that happens again you have to tell me." Hermione joked. Harry enters the room and suddenly all of us got quiet. His eyes were red, maybe from crying.

"Harry. What happened?" I run up to him and give him a hug, he holds me tight.

"Sirius Black." He sighed, "did he find you? Or hurt you?" I let go of him.

"When I see Sirius Black I'm going to kill him." I hugged him again, and everyone looked confused as why he wanted to kill him.

"Come on." I slowly walk Harry out of my dorm and walking him to his own.

"Night, Harry." I gave him a small grin, and he did too but his slowly faded away back into a frown.

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