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Hermione, Harry, Ron and I all sit together at the great hall.

"Hey look, isn't that your owl Ron?" I asked pointing to the light brown owl that flew in. The owl trips into a bowl of crisps, and everyone starts laughing.

"Oh no, it's a howler." Ron said.

"I've acknowledged one from my grandma once, it was horrible." Neville looks down at the table.

"Go on Ron, open it." I laughed.

"Ronald Weasley!" Ron put the letter on the table and started shaking, the letter picks itself up.

"How dare you steal that car?! I am absolutely disgusted! Your father is facing an inquiry at work and it's entirety your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home!" The howler looks at Ginny.

"Oh and Ginny, congratulations on making Gryffindor, your father and I are so proud." The howler rips itself up. Ron's jaw dropped.

Mr. Lockhart walks into class, and walks towards a cage. "Now, it's my job to teach you how to defend yourself against the vicious creatures." He taps his wand against a cage.

"You might be facing your biggest fears." He takes off the purple cover.

"Cornish Pixies?" I asked, everyone starts laughing.

"Laugh if you would, everyone. But don't worry just watch." He opens the cage and a bunch of small blue creatures fill the room, destroying everything.

"Run!" I yelled, I was able to get out the room, so did everyone else but Hermione, Ron and Harry were still inside. I run back inside.

"Enobulous!" I hear Hermione yell, all the pixies freeze.

"Guys!" I run up to them. We put all of them back into the cage.

We see the Slytherins come out to the field and the Gryffindors come out from the other side.

"Quidditch." I look at Harry, who plays quidditch.

"Hey, thats Malfoy. This will not end good." Hermione gets up from the grass, so do Ron and I. Oliver Wood was holding a paper.

"I, Severas Snape allow the Slytherin team to practice to train there new seeker." Oliver said reading the bote.

"You got a new seeker, who?" The Slytherin team moves away and Draco goes forward.

"Malfoy?" Harry exclaimed.

"That's not all what's new this year." He bragged about the teams brooms.

"Niphus 2001s! How'd you get those?" Ron asked.

"Draco's father got them as a gift." A Slytherin boy replied.

"See Weasley, unlike some my father can afford the best." He scoffed.

"Atleast nobody on the Gryffindor team had to buy there way in, they got it off pure talent." Hermione let out a smirk. Draco walks up to us.

"No one asked for your opinion, you filthy little mudblood." He looks at Hermione rudely.

"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy. Eat slugs!" Ron pointed his wand at Draco, but Ron blasted back instead of Draco. Everyone started laughing and Ron was throwing up slugs.

"Harry, take Ron to Hagrid I'll be there in a few." I yell, Harry nods and I walk up to Draco.

I put my wand against his throat. "Don't mess with my friends, got it?! Your just trouble, and just love to cause problems don't you?"

"Fiona, come on!" Hermione called,

"Watch your back." I take my wand away from his throat and walk with Hermione and Harry.

"Well, this calls for specialist equipment." Hagrid puts a bucket in front of Ron.

"Why would Ron want to curse anybody?" He asked.

"Malfoy, he called Hermione a.." Harry stops talking.

"He called me a mudblood." Hermione sighed.

"No he did not." Hagrid was shocked.

"What's a mudblood?" Harry asked.

"It means dirty blood, is a really foul name for someone who's muggle-born, someone like me." Her eyes began to tear up.

"Listen Harry, there's some wizards; like the Malfoy family think that there better than everyone else because there what people call Pureblood." I look at Hermione then at Harry.

"That's horrible." He spoke.

"Hermione, you shouldn't worry about it." I sighed.

"Why do they call you a blood-traitor?" Harry asked me, I gulped and Ron looks at me.

"It's because.." I stop talking.

"It's because my dad is associated with Muggles and we're pureblood." I get up and stand next to Hermione.

"Don't think on it one minute guys." Hagrid spoke, I saw Hermione smile.

"I'll look for Harry, go to the Great Hall." Hermione told me, great. I had no other friends in there except my siblings which are planning to prank me once again. I sighed and opened the door, everyone looked at me walk in.

I run and sit next to Fred, and George. "What's the catch?" Fred and George ask at the same time.

"Well, they told me they were going to find Harry." I grabbed a chip and ate it. I see Professor Filtch run in, everyone gets out of their seats and leaves the Great Hall, but I ran before anyone got there.

"Hermione! Ron! Harry! That's Filtch's cat!" I look at the petrified cat hanging from a light.

Everyone surrounded us, and I walked back. "Harry, Hermione-" I look at Ron.

"What'd you do?" Everyone is looking at them.

"It wasn't us!" They yelled, everyone is whispering and gasping.

"Enemies of the air, beware? You'll be next mudbloods." Draco looks at Hermione.

"What's going on here? Make way, make way." Professor Filtch pushes past everyone and stares at the petrified cat.

"You murdered my cat." His voice was trembling.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you!" He yelled. Dumbledore arrived to the scene and examines everything.

"Everyone, dormatries immediately." He spoke. Everyone started rushing away.

"Dumbledore!" I walk up to him.

"It wasn't them, please don't hurt them." I begged, he nods and I run to my dorm.

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