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It's been two weeks since I've talked to Malfoy, he didn't dare to look at me or mess with me after that. I guess he's just scared my family would kill him if he killed me.

"Fiona! Snap out of it!" Hermione snaps her fingers in my face, I zoned out.

"Oh, sorry." I shake my head making sure I'm fully focused.

"You've been like that all week, are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I look down at my food.

"Goodness Ron, do you ever stop eating!" Hermione sighed while Ron dropped his chicken on his plate.

"Boo!" My heart skipped a beat, it was only Fred and George.

"I hate you!" I rolled my eyes then laughed.

"Guys, follow me." Harry gets out of his seat, Hermione, Ron and I walk behind him, everyone watches us leave the Great Hall. Harry runs up the stairs, it starts moving somewhere else, we all grab the sides.

"The stairs move remember?" Hermione looks at the end of the stairs.

"Malfoy's coming." She whispered, Hermione grabs all of our arms and take us into a room.

"Why do I feel like we shouldn't be in here?" Ron stuttered.

"This is the third floor, we aren't!" Hermione whispers.

"Come on this way." I duck down while walking. We enter a room and see a big three headed dog.

"Guys, it's paw it's blocking something." I pointed, we all look at the small door.

"Guys, it's waking up!" Ron said in a scared voice.

"Run!" I yell, we all run out and shut the door.

"What was that dog protecting?" Harry asked. "

I don't know, I'll see if I could find something in the library." Hermione accidentally drops something.

"Change of plans, other way!" Hermione yelled, we all run out another door.

"Phew, we made it." I try to suck in air from running too fast.

"Hermione, library, Harry, Hagrid, Ron, go with Hermione, I'll look around the castle at night and see what I could find."

Everyone nods and we all split up. I go to my dorm and already see everyone there. They all stare at me while I walk in. "How'd you stand up to Malfoy?" A gryffindor asked.

"It was easy, why is everyone asking me that?" Everyone looks at me in disbelief.

"He's a Slytherin Pureblood." The guy muttered.

"Oh, well." I walk past everyone and go to my dorm. All my friends were in it.

"Guys!" I laughed.

"Everyone is talking about you, I can't believe you still stood up to him Fiona. He will cause us trouble." She sighed.

"Anyways, what's the real reason your here?" I ask flopping onto my bed.

"Sleep over!" Hermione through a pillow at me and started laughing. Ron and Harry were standing against the door.

"Why does my own brother have to come?" I complained, "Shut up." He rolled his eyes.

"Okay kids, don't fight." Hermione joked.

We went and grabbed butter beers, and went to the candy shop to get chocolate frogs and some Bertie Bott's every flavor jelly beans, we went back to my dorm and watched a movie.

"Cheers for officially being at Hogwarts!" Hermione holds up her butter beer, Ron, Harry and I do the same and clink cups.

"Did you guys do your tasks?" I asked them.

"Yeah, the dogs name is Fluffy. It's protecting something." Harry looks at the window, my window had a perfect view of the full moon.

"I'm going to sneak out." I get up and grab my wand.

"Wait, take my invisibility cloak." Harry handed me the black blanket. I nod and leave the room slowly.

"Lumos." I whispered, my wand lit up.

I look around hallways, and hallways but there was nothing. No voices, no shoes tapping against the concrete floor, nothing. At least that's what I thought until I heard Snape.

I turn off the light on my wand and walk slowly. I see Snape grabbing another teachers shirt, they start murmuring quietly I couldn't even hear them. "Philosopher's Stone." I hear Snape whisper, I breath heavily. Snape turns putting his hand out, he grabs the air. I slowly step back before I could get exposed.

I run off back to my dorm holding my wand at my side. "Guys!" I barge in my room.

"It's called the Philosopher's Stone." I gasp my breath.

"I think Snape is trying to get it." I gulped.

"This is crazy! Fluffy is guarding it!" Hermione stands up to look at me.

"Brilliant." Harry gets up and looks at me, we make eye contact.

"So, what do we do?" Ron interrupted.

"Well, we get the stone before Snape." I looked at Ron.

"I have a quidditch game tomorrow guys." Harry sighed.

"You play quidditch? Well Harry we will figure it out another day." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Now that I think about it you look lots like Ginny." He examined me.

"I get that a lot, I'm still three minutes older than her." I laughed, "I think it's the hair, or my freckles." I let go of Harry's shoulder and does a small spin.

"Actually, you could totally pull of Slytherin." Harry empathized.

"Not cool Harry." I flop back on my bed.

"So, we start on Saturday?" I ask, they all nod.

"I'm tired, see you sis." Ron opens my door and leaves, Hermione jumps on her bed.

"Bye, Harry." I wave at him. He smiles and leaves the room.

Then Ginny enters the dorms and sits on her bed. "Night." I turn off my lamp and fell asleep instantly.

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