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It was weird without Hermione sleeping in the bed across from me, we were roommates after all. I just needed a walk, maybe that would clear my mind.

I put on a black hoodie and sweatpants and leave my dorm room. It was quiet, and dark, the only thing that was lighting up the darkness was the full moon.

I wonder what those three could be doing?

I slowly walk around the school thinking, just thinking about life. "May I walk with you?" I turn around and see Draco walking over to me.

"Why not?" We both walk around the castle, almost every floor.

"Follow me." He grabs my hand and takes me to the astronomy tower.

"It's so beautiful up here." I look around amazed, why haven't I ever been up here?

I sit down on the ground somewhere and look at the bright full moon. Draco laid next to me, and it was just us looking up at the moon.

"Why don't we take turns, saying something about ourselves?" I asked.

"I've never seen you this nice." He teased.

"Oh, shut it. I can be nice when I want to." I smiled.

"I'll go first, looking at the sky is one of my favorite thing to do." My voice echoed.

"I'm a pureblood." Draco joked, I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, for real." I smiled for a second, but it quickly faded away.

"Okay fine, I've never had muggle food." I look at him shocked.

"Never?!" My jaw dropped, he shakes his head. "You totally should." I laid back down and take a deep breath.

"What do you like about me?" He asked me.

"Absolutely nothing, your a bitch." I can't believe what came out of my mouth, I could tell he was smirking. "What?"

"Want to know what I like about you?" He sneered.


"Everything." I could start to feel myself sweating and my stomach feeling weird, what was he doing to me?

"We have a test in potions, on Friday." I looked at him blankly.

"I totally forgot!" I sit up.

"Don't worry. You'll do fine." He laughed, I laughed too.

I saw Buckbeak flying away with someone on his back. "Sirius.." I look at Draco.

"Thank you." I smiled, "night!" I quickly sprint to the hospital wing.

"Guys!" I run up to Hermione and hug her.

"You guys did it!" I cheered.

"I still don't get what your talking about." We all laughed at Ron.

"None of you told me there was a potions test, on Friday?" I looked down.

"It's been crazy, he better cancel!" Ron complained. We all laughed again.

"Well that was.. a day I'll never forget."


"I can't believe we got Snape to cancel the test." I laughed.

"And I can't believe it's our last day at Hogwarts." Harry sighed. "No more dementors, everything is all better again." Fred, George and Ginny walk into the common room.

"All ready!" Ginny said putting her trolley in front of her. We all leave the common room together.

"Hermione mind taking my bags I need to go say goodbye to someone." She nods and grabs it. I push through everyone and there trunks until I find Draco, alone.

I grab his hand and push him into an empty room. "So what's on your mind?"

"Bitch." I scoffed.

"What the fuck did I do-"

"I just wanted to, say thanks. I guess."

"Oh cool, now could you let me get back to the train?" He walked away pushing his shoulder against mine.

I sighed and ran back near the train. I say bye to Neville, Seamus, and Oliver Wood before I board as well.

I go into a compartment with Hermione, Ron and Harry. "I can't believe we are already going to be fourth years! Isn't that crazy?!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Yeah, how crazy is that." I just kept looking at my reflection on my window. I could just picture Draco Malfoy.
I hear Hermione talking to Ron, when did Hermione get here? "Fiona! Ginny!" She came into our rooms, "When did you get here?" I get out of bed and so does Ginny.

"Just now. Get dressed your mom has breakfast ready!" She leaves the room and I quickly put on a Gryffindor tee-shirt and some black leggings.

"Morning." Ginny and I said at the same time.

"Quickly eat, we are going somewhere." I stuffed my face with food, everyone did and we left.

"Dad where are we going?" I asked.

"Just keep up!" He replied, we see some people.

"Aurthur! It's about time, son!" Someone called. A man jumps out of a big tree.

"This is Amos Diggory everyone. He works with me at the ministry." The man waved at us and a boy jumped next to him.

"This young lad must be Cedric right?" My dad and Cedric shake hands.

Ginny, Hermione and I all look at eachother and smirk. "Keep walking!" Father said, we all follow behind him. We all walk around a boot.

"Dad, may I ask what is this?" Fred looks at me.

"Are you mental? That's a port key!" I roll my eyes.

"Everyone grab on!" We all touch the boot and then some illusion happens. We all are in one tornado. "Let go kids!" I look at Harry and he looks at me, I start screaming as I let go.

We all fall onto the ground, and the Diggorys and my father all slowly walk on air coming down.

"Wow, so fancy." I teased.

"Fiona!" My father nudged me and everyone laughed.
We all land on the ground. Cedric put his hand out, "thanks." I grab his hand and he pulls me up. I run with the rest of the group.

We see a bunch of tents and a bunch of brooms. "Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" It looked so fun.

"Awesome isn't it?" Cedric looked at me and I nodded smiling. We say bye to the Diggorys and went inside a tent, it was huge on the inside.

There's going to be lots of tea in fourth year so keep reading to find out!

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