twenty two*

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I wake up on the floor, I think I slept there. I grabbed my trunk and packed all my stuff aggressively, not folding everything, not even caring what I brought. "Fiona. I'm sorry." Ginny sat up from her bed.

"It's not your fault." I sighed.

"Your a mess, come on let's get you all cleaned up." She helped me organize my trunk and helped me with my makeup and outfit. I had on some black jeans, and a orange tee-shirt with some tennis shoes.

"You look awesome." Ginny smiled, as I looked in the mirror. Everything was perfect, even my hair was curled perfectly.

I slowly walk downstairs, everyone was already down eating. "Oh, Fiona dear come eat. I made your favorite." Mom gloomily said.

"You look all pretty today." She looks at my outfit, I nodded and went into the living room.

"Listen sis, I'm not mad at you." Ron said with his face stuffed with food.

"Oh thanks Ron, that made me feel loads better." I scoffed grabbing some extra things.

"You guys can't hate her for Malfoy simply touching her." Ginny said grabbing a plate of eggs.

"Yeah." Hermione stood up and walked up to me.

"I'm sorry." She gave me a hug, "thanks." I exclaimed grabbing my hair brush and putting it inside my trunk.

"Yeah, we all are." George and Fred said at the same time. Harry said nothing, he just kept eating.

"You guys did nothing." I take my trunk off the coach.

We all board Hogwarts Express and stayed silent the whole train ride. When we got off Hermione, Harry and Ron all rid on a boat,  and I rid on one alone.

"Hermione, mind putting my trunk in our dorm?" She nods and takes it.

I see a group of people looking outside, Viktor Krum was coming to Hogwarts. I follow the whole crowd to the Great Hall.

"I'd like to make an announcement." Everyone was in the Great Hall listening to Dumbledore.

"This castle will not only be your home this year, but a home of very special guests as well." Professor Filtch runs in and whispers to Dumbledore.

"So Hogwarts has been planning to do the Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore explains extra rules. He introduced two other schools to join us.

During dinner Dumbledore stands up once again. "I'd like to add a few words." Everyone becomes quiet and turns to the front "Now we have a new rule." Another guy walks up to the speaker. "Nobody under the age of seventeen can compete." Everyone starts complaining.

"That's rubbish!" Fred and George both say, "Not fair!" I yelled.

"Silence!" Dumbledore yelled, he casts a spell and the Goblet of Fire forms.

The next day..

"I don't have classes today." I told Hermione and Ron.

"Oh lucky! We got Mad-eye for Defense Against the Dark Arts." Ron complained.

"Well, bye!" Hermione and Ron wave and walk away to class.

I go up to the astronomy tower, and Draco was there. "What a coincidence." I sit next to him, "how are you?" He asks.

"Not terrible." I gulped, "Harry and I got into a fight." I play around with my ring.

"What was it about?" He grabbed my hands and started playing with my fingers.

"It was really stupid." I started feeling warm and my stomach started to go crazy.

"Sorry about my dad, the other day. He's always like that." He sighed, "always?" He nods slowly. "I'm so sorry, it must be hard." I give him a hug.

"Don't touch me, we can't be anything more than friends."

"Do you think your dad likes you hanging out with me?" I asked, he stays quiet.

"You can trust me." I whispered.

"I know, now be quiet." He still plays with my fingers.

"Come on, we have to see who's name gets pulled out." I say slowly, he rolls his eyes.

"Someone could have told us." He said stretching as he got up. I grab his hand and take him to the Great Hall.

"See you." I let go and sit next to Hermione.

"Go on Cedric!" Two kids go behind him as he walks up and puts his name in. Everyone claps and cheers.

Fred and George run in with aging potions. "It's not going to work." Hermione and I said at the same time.

"Oh yeah? And why is that?" They both say coming next to us. Hermione and the twins were bickering back and forth.

"Ready Fred?" "Ready George." They shake the potions. "Bottoms up." They drink the potion and jump into the circle.

"Yes!" They cheered. They both put there name until they flung out the circle. They had white hair and white long beards.

"You said-" "No you said-" everyone laughs as they fight until Viktor Krum walks in.

He puts his name in and smiles at Hermione when he walks out. More people walk in until the whole room gets filled waiting for who gets to compete.

Dumbledore walks up to the Goblet of Fire. "Viktor Krum!" All of his team mates start cheering him on. He shakes Dumbledores hand and walks away. Another paper comes out.

"Fleur Delacour." All the girls cheer for her and she goes to shake Dumbledore's hand.

Another paper comes out, "Cedric Diggory!" Everyone in Hufflepuff cheers for him as he walks up to shake Dumbledores hand.

Everyone looks behind Dumbledore, the Goblet of Fire turns red and goes crazy until Dumbledore grabs another paper. "Harry Potter?" Dumbledore looks in the crowd and Harry sits down.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yelled.

"Harry. You have to get up." I whispered pulling him up, he looks at me then walks to Dumbledore, everyone looked so angry. People whispered and murmured around the whole humongous room.

Then he enters the champion room. Leaving us to question what was happening.

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