thirty one

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I worked on my OWL until a rumble comes from out of the room. Umbridge goes and checks it and there was nothing there until a small firework flies into her face then into the room we are in. Fred and George fly in and start throwing fireworks.

"Yes!" Everyone was cheering for them, fireworks and smoke filled the whole room. "Wicked!" I yelled, Fred came and gave me a high five. They zoom outside and we all follow them pushing Umbridge out of the way. They use fireworks to form the letter "W".

Everyone is cheering and yelling there name. Harry falls down next to me, "Harry?" Hermione and Ron come to me and I shrug. "Sirius." He runs up the stairs and we follow him up to Umbridge's office. "I'm only going, you all stay here." I grab his arm and shake my head. "No!" Umbridge walks in. "Nobody is going anywhere."

She sits Harry in a chair and Draco pins me to a wall, he puts my hands behind my back. Goyle is holding Hermione and Crabbe is holding Ron. "Well, Potter you leave me no choice but the Crucio curse."

"That's illegal." I stuttered. She aims her wand for him. "Tell her Harry!" Hermione yelled. "Tell me what?" She puts her arm down. "Dumbledore's secret weapon." She closed her eyes as she said it. Hermione, Harry, and Umbridge leave the room. "D-Draco, your hurting me." He was gripping my arms too hard. He slowly loosens his grip. "I couldn't let Crabbe or Goyle take you." He whispered into my ear. "I won't hurt you, I won't let Umbridge hurt you." He added. "I know." I whispered back.

"What are you two talking about?" Ron asked. "Nothing." I had a small grin on my face. "Want a piece of candy?" Ron asked, Crabbe and Goyle both grab one and suddenly they both fall to the ground. "Let her go Malfoy." Ron held his wand up. Draco slowly let go of my arms, and Ron grabs it.

Harry and Hermione meet up with us. "How'd you escape?" Luna and Neville were also with us. Ron holds out the candy. "Brilliant, thanks guys for all your help. I mean it, but I have to do this alone." He starts backing up.

"Harry James Potter! You are not going alone whether you like it or not!" I yelled, everyone looks at Harry. "What are we waiting for?" I start walking and Harry gets in front of me.

We arrive to London and we go to the Department of Mysteries. We walk through a big door and see a bunch of big and small crystal balls.

Harry reads numbers. "It should be here?" He looked at the empty space. "Harry, this has your name on it." Neville called. Harry walks over and grabs the prophecy . It's speaking to Harry but we couldn't hear.

"Harry." I pointed to the death eater in front of us. He pulls off his mask and it was Lucius. "Now hand it to me." He walked closer. "Touch us and I'll break it." Harry scoffed.

A laugh comes out of the dark, Bellatrix Lestrange. "He knows how to play! Itty, bitty, baby Potter." She slowly walked towards us.

"Now let everyone calm down." Lucius points his wand out. Death Eaters surrounded us. "..Guess we can wait a little longer. Now!" Harry stopped talking to Lucius. "Stupefy!" We all yelled at the same time. We start running and Lucius gets in front of us. We all run away and split up. A death eater starts coming up to me. "Stupefy!" He flew backwards into the shadows.

I find everyone again and another death eater comes up to us, he keeps dodging the spells we hit at him. "Reducto!" Ginny and I yelled, the death eater swings back and a bunch of prophesies start falling down. "Run!" I yelled, we all run to the door and fell inside.

A spell prevents us from hitting the ground. "Harry we have to go!" He walks up to an empty archway. "I hear the voices too." Luna said softly. "Get behind me!" We all get near Harry and hold out our wands. Death eaters suddenly start swarming around on top of us, we couldn't get up. Someone grabs me and next thing I know, a death eater is holding their wand to my neck. Harry was not touched and stood there.

Lucius walks up to Harry laughing. I try squirming out of Bellatrix's grip. Harry slowly puts the prophecy in Lucius's hand, then Sirius shows up. "Get away from my godson." He scoffed, Sirius punches Lucius and breaks the prophecy. Sirius quickly grabs us and take sus out of the death eater's grip.

Tonk, Mad-Eye and a few other people come out. We all hide behind a rock, Sirius and Harry fight Lucius and another death eater. "Nice one James!" I hear Sirius yell at Harry. Sirius knocks out Lucius and Bellatrix shows up on top of a rock. "Avada Kedevra!" She yelled motioning her wand to cast the spell. Harry's smile fades away, and they just look at each other. Sirius fades away, slowly. Harry stared at the empty archway.

Lupin grabs Harry and he fights back to let go. He screams and yells bloody murder. "Harry!" I get up but Hermione pulls me back down. He breaks free from Lupins arms and chases Bellatrix. I get up and run to Lupin, the rest of my friends follow me. "Is it my fault?" I look at the archway. "Why would you think that?" Hermione holds onto my shoulder. "Because, that was Draco's dad and-" she cuts me off and pulls me into a hug.

"It was Bellatrix, not anyone else." She whispered as I cried in her arms. "Come on, let's go find him." We all walk to the room where Harry was in. Dumbledore stood next to him, there was glass and sand everywhere. Harry was in pain, lying there on the ground. The minister walks in and freezes. "He's really back." His jaw dropped.

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