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It's the last day at Hogwarts, before we leave for summer break. This whole school year went so fast, too fast. I'm so glad everyone is better again, but there's just something missing.

I got up from bed and changed into some white pants, and a Gryffindor hoodie, I put my hair in a ponytail tail and packed everything.

"Can't believe it sis, going back home." Ginny said fixing up her skirt.

"Its weird." I close my trunk.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah." Ginny closes her trunk. Our closets were both empty, all of our stuff on our dressers were gone. Gone, why do I keep thinking gone?

I shook my head and grabbed my owl. "Come on." I open the door so Ginny can leave. Everyone looks at us.

"Promise you'll write to us?" I ask Hermione and Harry, they both nod.

"I can't wait to prank you." Fred and George laughed. I run up to Harry and Hermione and give them a hug.

"See you next year." Hermione whispered in my ear.

"See you." I looked down at my shoes and then back at my siblings. I look at Harry,

"Write to me." I let out a small smile.

"Okay, okay come on!" Ginny grabbed my hand.

We both enter the train, "Isn't it weird to leave?" I ask Ginny, she lets out a slow nod. Ginny, Fred, George, and I all sit in a compartment, Ron went to go sit with the others.

"I'm so tired." I complained, Draco passes our compartment.

"Blood- traitors." He muttered.

"Didn't you get taught how to keep your mouth closed?!" I yelled closing the door,

"Chill out." Ginny grabs my hand.

"I hate him, that little cockroach!" I groaned.

"Doesn't everyone? Move on, we are still Purebloods." Ginny lets out a laugh.

We arrive home, "Welcome home!" Mother kissed our foreheads. We all sit at the dinner table for dinner.

"Guess what a rubber duck is for?" Dad holds up a rubber duck. I keep eating my food.

"Anyone? Well, it's a toy that muggles use." He looks at us.

"Anything?" He sighed.

"Can I be excused?" I get up and walk upstairs.

"Shes been like that all day." Fred complained.

"We weren't able to pull any pranks on her." George added.

I laid on my bed.

"Blood-traitor." Kept on repeating in my head, although I was a Pureblood, I would be always names blood-traitor because of my parents being so interested in muggles.

I sat up and grabbed my sketch book, I never showed anyone my drawings. Me drawing was a way to release everything trapped inside. I drew Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I. We were throwing snowballs at eachother during winter. The silver pencil lead softly brushed on the paper creating lines and detail.

I was drawing for three hours, until Ginny walked in.

"Hey, how are you?" She slowly sat next to me on my bed.

"I'm fine." I close my sketchbook and put it on my side table.

"I know you miss Hogwarts, we all do." She whispered.

"I need to go back." My eyes started watering,

"Listen, just a few months of summer." She hugged me.

"How about tomorrow we could make butter beer, with muggle food?" She smiled.

"Yeah, that would be great." I gave a small smile.

"Night." She walks over to her bed and gets under her covers.

Ginny was almost the only family that would relate to me, Harry, and Hermione would too. I just wanted to spend all of Christmas with them, my friends.

I opened my eyes, the bright yellow sun was shining onto me. I get up from bed and close my blinds, "Come on! Don't go back to sleep!" Ginny smiled sitting on my bed.

"Why don't we match today?" She hands me some clothes.

"Come on move it! We are going to explore the muggle world." She leaves the room.

Ginny gave me a red cropped shirt and some jeans. "Ginny! This is out of my comfort zone!" I yelled, she walks in and grabs my hand.

"Too bad." She laughed, so did I.

"We are going to the mall, I think they call it." Ginny said to mom.

"Oh, yes go ahead! Be back by midnight." She replied.

"How do we get there?" I asked Ginny.

"We take a port key of course." She gets out a boot and we both hold onto it until we get to the muggle world.

We get into a place where nobody was looking. "What is this place?" I look up.

"Listen, what ever you do don't pull out your wand." She whispered.

"Come on! I have so many places to show you!" She grabbed my hand. I saw lots of people staring at us, maybe some teenagers or some kids.

We enter a place, a clothing store. "This is cool." I say grabbing a piece of clothing,

"Pick what ever you want." She lets out a small smile.

"Are you guys twins?" A teenage guy came up to us. Ginny and I exchanged looks,

"Yeah." We said at the same time.

"Oh, I've never seen you here before?" He added.

"Well, see you around." He waved and walked away.

"Look at that." I pointed to a pastel pink shirt.

"Muggles' style are so different." I keep drifting off.

"Yeah, come on let's get the stuff for butter beer." We both walk out the store.

Ginny takes me to a grocery store, I've never been to one of these actually. I never went out as a kid.

She grabs some ingredients, I could see some cream stuff, and some soda? Anyways, it would be such a good night.

We both arrive home. "What'd you buy?" Fred and George walk up to the bags and look through them.

"Muggle butter beer." I look at them, then back at the groceries.

"Blood-traitor." I thought to myself, what if Draco was right? Was I really a use-to-be Pureblood, or the new term blood-traitor? God, he could definitely make people's confidence go down.

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