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After dinner all the Gryffindors go to the common room.

"Truth or Dare, Fiona?" Fred asks.

"Dare." I smirked.

"Light up your wand." He laughed, "How?" I ask.

"Find out yourself." He replied. I get out my spell book and my wand.

"It's Lumos, that's the spell." I examined the page more. Everyone stares at me,

"Lumos." I wave my wand like it said in the spell book. "See guys-" I see a small light show.

"Awesome!" Hermione excitedly said.

"Well, I'm going to sleep." I yawned,

"Night, sis." Ron waves at me.

"Night Ron." I walk up to my dorm. And head to sleep.

The first day of classes, yesterday went by so quick. I put on my robe and curl my soft, shiny, ginger colored hair. I put on hairspray and leave my dorm. "Let's go!" I tell everyone, they all follow me and we all split up quickly rushing to our classes. I walk to potions, and walk in. Everyone stares at me, Draco let's put a giggle.

"Why are you late?" The Professor said rudely.

"I got lost." I sighed walking to my seat next to Ginny.

"You woke up late didn't you?" Ginny whispered.

"Yep." I let out a small giggle.

"His name is Professor Snape." Ginny whispered, I nod and kept listening.

After class I was the first one to leave, I go to Flying Class. I meet up with Harry, Ron and Hermione there, too bad Malfoy was there too.

"I'm Professor Hooch, today will be your first flying lesson on a broomstick." She walked in a line looking at everyone.

"Now get on your left side of the broom and call up." She instructed. I walk to my left side.

"Up." I slowly said, my broomstick came right up to me. I saw Harry and Malfoy both already got there broom.

"Now mount your broom and kick hard." Professor Hooch asked, I mount my broom having a good grip. A boy started flying in the air, slowly. He soon started flying super fast and had no control on the broom. He falls onto a sharp pole and his robe hung onto it. Then his robe ripped and he fell.

We all run over, "Oh no, this is bad." Professor Hooch said trying to lift up his wrist.

"If I see any brooms in the air, your expelled." She demanded running away with the boy.

"Who was that?" I asked Harry.

"Neville Longbottom." He let out a laugh.

I see Malfoy hold a rememberal up, it must be for Neville. "Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd remembered to fall on his fat as*. Everyone laughed, Harry walks up to him.

"Give it here Malfoy." Harry demanded.

"No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." He throws the rememberal in the air and catches it.

"You heard him, hand it over." I fumed. Everyone looks at me in disbelief and shock, nobody has stuck up to him like I did. Malfoy looks at me in the eyes, and gives a small smirk.

"Well, well, well a Weasley, your just like the others, Blood-Traitors." I walk up to him and slap him in the face. Everyone starts laughing again.

"You'll pay for that!" He yelled. He gets on his broom and starts flying away.

Harry mounts his broom. "Harry what are you doing?! Your going to get expelled!" Hermione commented. Harry fly's up to Malfoy.

"Give it to me or I'll knock you off your broom."  Harry yelled, Draco through the rememberal over Harry's head.

"Fiona, catch it!" Hermione looked at me. I run over and grab it in the air, everyone starts cheering and Harry quickly flies down.

"Watch your back, Weasley." Malfoy whispered in my ear as he walked away.

We go to the Great Hall, "No way! You stuck up to Malfoy?" Ginny had a big grin on her face.

"Harry did most of the work." Ginny and I look at Harry.

"I'm going to my dorm." I get up from my seat and leave. I walk up the stairs.

"Very brave of you to talk back to me." I hear someone say.

Of course it was Malfoy, "What do you want?" I stop walking up the stairs.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just telling you how awful that slap was, and I'm going to teach you a lesson." He walks up slowly to me, I just stand there.

"Come on, move it. Be scared." He started getting closer.

"If I acted like it, it wouldn't look real, I promise." I smirked a bit.

"My father will hear about this." He spat,

"Good." He walks closer to me, "Listen Weasley, don't mess with me." He said in a low voice.

"What could an eleven-year- old blonde do to me?" I let out a laugh.

"Was my hair the first thing you noticed about me?" He walks closer.

"No." I lied, wouldn't anyone judge him by his hair or just me?

He pulls out his wand and puts it against my throat. "Hands off my twin sister, Malfoy." Ginny, Ron, Fred, and George all get behind him. He put his wand down, and he looks at me. I stick my tongue and walk to my dorm.

If you read this, let me hug you, thanks for staying!

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