twenty nine

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We get out of the train and Draco approaches us. "Surprised the ministry is letting you walk around free, Potter. You better enjoy it while you can, I expect a cell in Azkaban with your name on it."

"Stop it." I walk in front of Harry, Draco and his friends walk away.

We get out of the boats and keep walking. "Do you guys see that? Something is pulling the carriage." I look and see nothing, "Harry, that carriage always pulls itself." I pat his back and we see a small blond girl sitting in the carriage. "I can see them too, your just as sane as I am." Her voice was soft and calming. We suddenly all teleport onto the carriage. "Everyone this is Luna Lovegood." Hermione stuttered. "I'm hungry, I hope there's pudding."

We all go into the Great Hall, Luna gets sorted into Ravenclaw. "I would like to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher; Dolores Umbridge." Dumbledore looks at her and starts clapping, all the students and other teachers join as well. "She was at my hearing, she works for the minister." Harry noticed.

I sit next to Hermione in Umbridge's class. She writes words on the board, "Ordinary, Wizarding, Levels." It said. She starts passing out books. "This has nothing to do with magic." I exclaimed. "Magic? There's nothing to use magic for, there's nothing out there." She walks up to me. "Of course there are!" I reply. "Who would want to hurt children like yourself?" She said slowly.

"I don't know maybe Lord Voldemort!" Harry said sarcastically. "Many of you heard a particular wizard has come back, and this is not true." She walks up to Harry and I. "So Cedric dropped dead? It was murder!" I stood up. "Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident." I take a deep breath and sit back down. "Detention, both of you." She walked back to the front of the room and kept talking.

"I can't believe this." I spoke to Harry as we both walked in her office after school. "Now, you guys are going to write lines. Take a quilt and start." We sit down at two different desks and I grab the quilt that was set there. "I need ink-" she cuts me off. "No, you don't. Now you guys will be writing 'I must not tell lies.'" I start writing slowly, but I hear Harry whisper in pain.

I slowly look over and see his hand was cut. She walks over to us and I give her a dirty look. "You are free to go." She told us. I grab my stuff and quickly run away.

After that day, she started putting up rules and controlling the students. It was late at night and I couldn't fall asleep, maybe it was a good idea to go up to the astronomy tower. I quickly went up there making sure people couldn't see me.

When I went up I was alone, nobody was there with me. I heard footsteps behind me, I quickly put out my wand. "Hello?" Draco comes out and smirks. "I thought I could scare you." He joked, "you did." I run up to him and hug him tight. "I hate Umbridge." I sighed, "I'm sorry." He strokes my hair softly. He grabs my hand and slips my ring on my finger. I look up and smile at him, "thank you." And we just stood there, in a hug as he played with my hair.

"Did she hurt you in detention?" He asked, I shake my head. "No, but she did something to Harry." He rolls his eyes. "Saint Potter." He spat. "We are just friends." I laughed, he kisses my head. "She's going to take over the entire school." I sighed. "Don't worry." He whispered.

"We aren't learning anything." Hermione complained, we were all in the common room. "She's taking over the school." Hermione added. "That's exactly what I told Draco." She looks at me. "When was the last time you've seen him?" Harry and Ron look at me. "Last night, we just talked about Umbridge." I sighed, "the whole time." I grab look up at the roof. All of a sudden, rain and thunder are right outside. "We need to learn how to defend ourselves. And if Umbridge doesn't teach us we need someone who will." We all look at Harry.

Hermione takes me to a place, I see all of our friends there. It was cold and snowing outside so it was cold inside the little place as well.

"Fiona, your here. Everyone already started signing." Ron spoke. "Sorry, I couldn't wake up. And Hermione told me all about Dumbledore's army." I signed the paper. "That's not all we need help with." Hermione adds. "You need to make sure Draco, or anyone that Draco knows doesn't find out they can easily tell Umbridge." She whispered into my ear. "Brilliant." I said sarcastically.

"Okay, we need a place to practice." Hermione exclaimed as Fred, George, Ginny, Harry and Ron all follow her. "The shrieking shack?" Hermione shakes her head. "Forbidden forest?" I suggested, "Bloody Hell no." Ron bossed.

Neville calls us to a hallway. "Wow Neville, you found the Room of Requirement." Hermione exclaimed. I look around the big room, it was beautiful.

We met there everyday, about 25 students were in that group of ours. Harry went around helping people with spells. "Expelliarmus!" I yelled at Ron sending him flying. "Where's the galleons Fred?" I laughed.

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