thirty six

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-Recap: summers almost over!-

We are all planning to go to Harry's and bring him here so he wouldn't get killed. But he would still have the trace on him and we had to take a pollyjuice potion and become him.

We knock on his door and enter in. "Harry!" I hugged him and walk into the empty living room. Dad, Mad-Eye, Tonks, Lupin, and someone who works for the ministry come in and stand beside me. Hermione, Ron, Harry, Fred and George all stood behind Harry, who was next to me.

"So, since you still have the trace on you we need this." Mad-Eye holds out the potion. "No! You guys could get hurt." I rolled my eyes at him. "Are you dumb?! If we don't do this you'll get killed!" I added. "I knew he wouldn't take this well." Hermione sighed, "fine." Harry steps back. "Fare warning, it tastes like goblin piss." Each of us take a sip and look exactly like Harry. "Now." Mad-Eye dumps clothes on the floor, we all grab the same thing and change.

"Wow, we're identical." Fred and George say at the same time. "Everyone needs a partner." Ron gets next to me. "Your my little sister, your not going with anyone else." Ron whispered, "I can see that." We all walk outside and get on our brooms, I get on behind Ron. "Go!" Mad-Eye called. We zoom into the dark skies. "I'll shoot spells, you keep going no matter what." I spoke.

A death eater starts chasing us. "Stupefy!" I yelled shouting a spell. "Expelliarmus!" I yelled at another one coming at me. "Fiona!" Ron pointed to the death eater coming from in front of us. "Reducto!" The death eater fell off his broom.

We arrive back home, and I turned back into myself, the potion lasted for only an hour so everyone would be back into their original self.

I see Hermione, and Harry already there. "Wow." Harry ran up to me and gave me a hug then a hug to Ron. "So, is there anyone else back?" I asked. "George is here." I nod, Fred and his partner come up to us. "George is this way.." Ron said weakly. Everyone enters the pathway and see George on the couch with mom stroking his hair, there was blood all over his neck. Fred put down his wand, and kneeled next to him.

"I feel like a saint, I'm holy Fred." George's voice was shaking. "Mad-Eye is dead." Bill said. Bill is my brother, I don't talk about him a lot because he's never with us. I start fiddling with my fingers, Harry puts his arm on my back and pulled me into a hug. "He's dead isn't he?" I whispered, Harry nodded.

I fell asleep thinking of what Draco could be doing right now, hopefully he is happy. Bill and Fluer's wedding was tomorrow night and I wasn't ready. Not mentally not physically, I didn't want to go.

I put on a maroon dress, it was laced and had sleeves that reached my elbow. I wore some black high heels with it and did my hair in a bun.

There were people guarding the tent, everyone was dancing and having fun. "Hey Luna." I waved to her as she was dancing with her dad. "Hey, Fiona." Her and her dad walked up to me. "Fiona Weasley." I shake the mans hand, he looked exactly like Luna. "Come on dad, I want you to meet some of my other friends!" Luna grabs his hand and takes off.

Ginny was talking with Harry, I was pretty sure they liked each other or were dating. I tried to find someone that I knew, someone like Draco, or maybe I'll actually find him. I saw nobody I wanted to talk to, Hermione and Ron were dancing and I was alone. I walked out the tent for some fresh air. "Having a bad time?" Luna came and sat next to me, I shrugged and looked at the moon. "You miss him don't you." She read my mind.

"I do Luna, I want to hug him. I want him to tell me that I won't get killed in this battle, or that none of my friends will get hurt."

I pushed my tears back because I was wearing mascara. "I get you, nobody is mad you like him. I mean, your miserable without him. I bet you will see him soon." She laid next to me. I hear a sudden boom, then people screaming. Death Eaters rush through the tent destroying everything. "Oh no." I run inside and meet up with Ron, Hermione and Harry. "Come on!" We teleported somewhere else.

Hermione takes us to an empty corner and pulls out her bag. "Here take this." She gives each of us some clothes.

"Well here we go."

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