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"Wake up!" Harry was all sweaty and dirty.

"What?" I groaned.

"The basilisk, in the Chamber, I killed it." He sits on my bed.

"A basilisk?! What happened to all the petrified people?" I asked.

"I don't know, Hagrid told me they were finding something." I sit up.

"Is it Saturday yet?" I sighed, Harry nods.

"Wait really?" I hop out of bed.

"I'm going to get ready and shower." He smiled and left my room.

I put on a sweater with my first letter on it, my mom made it, I wore some leggings and tennis shoes with it, and curled my hair.

"Ready." I smiled walking out of my room, Harry was already dressed and his hair was still wet from his shower.

"Brilliant." He smiled.

"Let's go find the Ron." We both leave and find Ron playing wizards chess against Neville.

I sit next to Ron, "I hope Hermione is better." He sighed, I give Harry a small smirk.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Well, I'm going to wonder around the school." I get out of my seat and walk away.

"Ginny, Fred, George!" I called running up to them.

"Cute sweater." I laughed after noticing we all have the same sweater on but different initials.

"Oh look, the blood-traitors are all matching!" Crabbe and Goyle teased. We all look at each other and back at them.

"Shut it goons." George scoffed.

"See you." I waved at my siblings and walked away, I reach an empty hallway and sit on a bench.

"Who do we have here?" I saw black shoes, then looked up.

"Malfoy." I leaned back against the wall. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Why do you care? And I can ask you the same thing." I rolled my eyes.

"Just trying to be nice, wow." He walked away and sat at another bench that was far away from mine.

"Sorry about your ring." I perked up,

"Malfoy says sorry?! Wow!" I sarcastically said, I laughed a bit.

"Fiona, we've been looking all over for you!" It was Harry.

"Oh, sorry." I glare at Draco then run up to Harry.

"What's Malfoy doing? Did he do anything bad to you?" Harry kept bugging me about Malfoy as we walked to the field.

"I'm fine! If he did something wrong I would tell you, okay?" My voice got softer, he looks into my eyes.

"Okay." We continue to walk.

"It's weird without Hermione." Ron complained as we set up blankets against the grass.

"Yeah." Ginny, Fred, George, and Neville all walk up to us and sit down.

"How are you guys all twinning?" Harry questioned as he looked at Ron, Fred, George, Ginny, and I. We all laughed.

"You guys are coming to my house this summer." I assured.

"Correct." Harry replied with a grin. The rest of the day filled with laughter and joy, I forgot about everything in the exact moment.

"Guys come on! Dinner is going to start!" We all rush putting our blankets in the common room and running into the Great Hall, and guess what? We were the last people there so everyone stared at us, but we laughed in the end.

"Is that Hermione?" Neville asked, Harry, Ron and I all look at Hermione who was smiling. Everyone looks at us as we stand, Hermione runs and hugs me, all four of us almost cried.

Hagrid walks in, "Sorry I was late, the release papers and all of that got mixed up." We all smiled and hugged him.

"If it wasn't for all of you, I would still be in you know where." He whispered.

"It's not Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." Harry said, Dumbledore gets out of his seat and starts clapping, then other teachers and students all join, and so do us four. That night ended perfectly.

Leaving for summer.

"Guys, I can't believe we finished our second year." I sobbed, Harry hugs me and I cry in his shoulder.

"We will still all be together." Harry whispered and laughed.

"Everyone ready?" Hermione asks.

"No." I joked, everyone laughed.

"Come on." Harry and I let go of each other.

"Guess it's the end of another chapter?" We all smile and Hermione starts crying as well.

"Well, let's go." We all leave our bags in the area they told us to and board the train.

I get inside a compartment with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. My owl Twig flew on my hand and dropped a wrapped package, then flew away in thin air. "Who's that from?" Harry asks, I shrug and untie the strings until I see a small silver box.

"Who would send me something?" I wondered opening the box.

A silver ring is in the middle, it looks exactly like the one that broke, there was no name, no nothing. Just a ring. There was one thing about it, that the gem was clear with a tint of a dark green. "It's so pretty." It slipped on my finger perfectly.

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