twenty six

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I go to Ron's dorm, hoping nobody else could see me. "Haha! Ron you look so ridiculous!" I laughed at his dress robes. "Oh shut up." He rolled his eyes then stared at me with his jaw dropped. "My sister could definitely clean up well." He announced laughing. "The girls forced me, don't worry Ron wait until you see Hermione. Now go on, go meet up with Harry." I pushed him out the room and I look at myself in the mirror quickly before I go find Hermione.

"Everyone is gone! Come on!" She grabs my hand and we leave the common room. "Wait my dress will get dirty!" I pick up the bottom of my dress off the floor. And keep running, it was hard to run in high heels. "Now, we won't embarrass each other." She spoke, I nod and breath in and let go of my dress. The doors reopen and everyone is looking at us walking down the stairs. My jewelry lighting up against the light, my dress slowly falling down the stairs behind me.

I look in the corner of my eye and see Draco with a girl in a blue dress. "Is that Weasley and Granger?" A girl spoke in the crowd. Everyone claps until we reach the end of the stairs. Harry and I lock hands and Professor Magonagol walks up to us. "Just in time for the dance of the three, in this case four competitors." She motioned us to go. Harry and I were behind Krum and Hermione. We walked in a line to the ball room.

I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry, the girls forced me. Your my friend and that's awkward." I slowly put my hand in his palm and we start dancing, he lifts me up and spins me around. "It's what friends are for, correct?" He whispered still dancing. "Malfoy." He clear his throat and turned me around so I could see him. He was in the back staring at me, I could tell he was angry with me or Harry. "He's with Pansy Parkinson, Slytherin, Pureblood." Harry whispered, I gave her a dirty look.

-Requested song to listen to while reading: Feel So Close Calvin Harris-
I nod and look at Harry again, and more people start coming into the dance floor, Ginny and Neville were one of them. The music changes and everyone starts jumping and cheering. "Yes!" I cheered, it felt like I've known Harry since I was a kid but it's only been four years. We all jump and sing along to the song, I forgot about everything in that moment.

"I'm going to get some juice." I walk up to the fruit punch stand and fill up my cup. "Having fun with Potter, huh." I turn around and Draco cocked an eyebrow. "What about you and Pansy." I nudge past him and sit next to Ron. "At least someone is having fun." Ron sighed, I hand him my drink. "Oh come on, everyone has to have fun!" I grab Ron and take him to Harry, we all dance together cheering and having fun. "I'm so glad I came."

All three of us decide to sit down. "These heels hurt." I complained, "I can't imagine Hermione and Viktor Krum." Ron scoffed looking at them dancing. "You should have asked her." I pat his back. "That made me feel loads better." He said sarcastically rolling his eyes. "I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I leave the room and sit on a bench in a hallway. I heard someone come and sit next to me.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I turn to look at him, he was in black dress robes and his hair to the side. He looked perfect. "I was going to ask you." He sighed, "why didn't you?" I asked. "Because I can't." I stand up from where I was sitting. "Because you have a reputation, I get it." My voice was shaking. "If Pansy saw-" I cut him off. "She would get you in trouble, because I'm a what you call 'blood-traitor'. You could have told me."

I added a tear fell down my cheek. "If someone saw me with you, you have no idea what would happen to me okay?! I have a reputation I have secrets I don't tell." His voice got louder. "What do you want me to say?" I get louder then him. "Just stay away from me." His voice got softer. "Good." I look at my finger and take off my ring. I take his hand and put it in his palm and take off. I see Hermione crying on the steps. I run up to her and she grabbed me tightly and hugged me. "Draco and I got into a fight." I wiped my eyes. "Ron and I got into a fight too." I took off my shoes.

"I loved him Hermione, I'm sorry to tell you but I loved him." She hugs me tighter. "Come on." We both slowly walk to our dorm sniffling and tearing up, we both change into our pajamas and I lay on my bed. Come on Fiona, don't- I started bawling my eyes out. What a crazy night..

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