Herbology book

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Order of the Phoenix

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Order of the Phoenix

I was nervous about returning to Hogwarts. I worried everyone may have already been suspicious of me, and I hoped that weren't true. It was a Saturday morning when we got back so everyone was most likely still sleeping. I said goodbye to Astoria and Draco then made my way to the Great hall for breakfast. To my surprise I see Neville sitting there going through a textbook with a doughnut in the other hand. I place Phib on the end of the table and let him hop down to where Trevor is.

I'm going through new jinxes we can use in the next DA meeting when I see Phib great Trevor out of the corner of my eye. I look up to see Serenity walking towards me. When she makes it to where I'm sitting she leans down to kiss my cheek then sits next to me.

"What do we have here? You know we aren't supposed to be learning jinxes Nev, what a naughty boy breaking the rules. I guess you don't deserve your Christmas gift." Serenity says with a smirk.
"I thought you were my Christmas gift?" I say while putting my arm around her waist and kissing her cheek.
"Well fine then, if you don't want it." She jokes
"ok ok, let me see this gift!" I say tickling her sides. She giggles and pushes my hands away. Then she grabs a neatly wrapped gift out of her book bag. "Here. It's not perfect. But it's our first one.... hopefully not our last." She says. I look at her confused. I proceed to open the wrapping to reveal a book.  It has a beautifully drawn picture of dittany on the front. It's titled

A student's guide to magical plants and herbs.

Written by: Neville Longbottom
Art by: Serenity Locks

"Wait, what!??" I exclaim. I look at her and she just smiles.
"Go on, open it!" She says excitedly
I do and there are pages and pages of Serenity's beautiful sketches of plants we have studied over the years. Surrounding the pictures are my passionate words I have written about each plant. There are also neatly written uses and warnings on each page as well.
"We wrote a book?" I ask
"We wrote our first book." She smiles back.
I set down the book gently and I lift her up into a hug. She wraps her legs around me and holds my face planting a giant kiss on my lips.
"I love this girl." Neville thinks to himself

I heard that.

"Are we interrupting something? Hermione asks.
"Oh not much, just my girlfriend and I literally wrote a real life Herbology book." Neville says.

"Girlfriend?" I ask. Neville turns towards me cringing slightly.

"Whoops, let that word slip a little didn't I?" He says. "That's ok, gosh my boyfriend is so daft sometimes! Right Mione?" I exclaim jokingly
"Oh shove off." Neville says while pushing me playfully.
"Wow abuse I tell ya." I joke.
"Serenity I need to talk to you, do you mind?" Ginny says, motioning towards the corridors.
"Not at all, sorry Nev, can't keep a woman waiting." I wink at him. I give him one last kiss on the cheek before catching up to Hermione and Ginny.

Ginny and Hermione drag me into an empty classroom.
"First of all, OH MY GOSH you and Neville are literally the cutest ever, thank god you finally got together!" Hermione squeals while pulling me into a hug.
"Ok now that we got that out of the way, Ginny needs to talk now." Hermione adds.
"Ok? Go ahead Ginny, what's on your mind?" I say.

"Well it's bout the night my father was attacked." Ginny says bluntly. I feel my palms sweat a little but I keep my cool.
"Yeah, I heard about that Gin, I'm so sorry. I wish I was there for you." I say reaching for her hand. She pulls it away quickly. Hermione and I both look at her in surprise.

"Serenity I saw you go up to the boys dorm that night. Minutes before Harry woke up screaming. He had a vision of my father being attacked, and it actually happened. Why were you up there and why did you leave conveniently right before Harry woke up?" She asks angrily. Thankfully I had a lie already lined up and rehearsed. I unfortunately had become very good at lying, and hiding my emotions. Mostly to protect myself from the Dark lord.
"I'm sorry Ginny, I didn't know that! I went up to steal Neville's jumper, I had noticed Harry tossing and turning when I opened the door so I decided not to disturb them. I shut the door and ran downstairs to take Neville to the Green houses. You can ask him about that night but I'm sure you can kinda guess what happened next." I say with a blush on my face.

"I'm sorry Serenity, Harry has us all on edge lately and I just had to be sure." Ginny says with an apologetic look on her face.
"No Ginny, it's ok I understand, thanks for coming to me about it before assuming things." I say. It hurts to lie to them, but I have to for everyone's own good. Maybe someday they will understand.

"She's lying." Serenity hears inside her head. She wasn't sure if she heard Hermione or Ginny say it but it still hurt.

Weeks pass and things with Ginny and Hermione are back to normal. Harry is still unsure about me and I don't blame him. He is actually 100% correct in his suspicions of me. Thankfully being close to the rest of the Gryffindors allows me to complete my task easily, I don't even have to attempt to persuade Harry that I'm a good person. Which at this point would be a very tricky thing to accomplish.

I have found my Legilimency lessons with Draco definitely opened up something in my head. I have been practicing my telepathy often, trying to control it. I never used Legilimency to hear into someone's mind on purpose other than Harry. My telepathy was different, unpredictable. It could be useful but I need to master it first.

I have now succeeded in getting 2 Umbridge detentions. She had been going easy on me in the beginning, so I assumed she knew I was a death eater and she was fearful of me. She had caught Neville and I making out in the hallway and gave us lines that evening to punish us. I then earned an extra detention for writing
"I will not kiss my sexy boyfriend in the halls." Instead of "I will not kiss my boyfriend in the halls." But I figured if it was going to be scarred into my skin it might as well be something good. Neville found this incredibly funny and showed everyone he knew when we passed them in the halls. I think he also wanted everyone to know I found him sexy.

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