Hubar Hellenberg

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Deathly Hallows

As I enter the mansion again I'm greeted by Narcissa.
"Oh Serenity dear we have missed you!" She exclaims. I hear Lucious huff from behind her and it only makes me smile more.
"Oh Mumsy I missed you too! I hope life wasn't too bad without me?" I reply.
"Darling we have a lovely dinner planned for you, why don't you go upstairs and freshen up. Your room is exactly how you left it!" Narcissa coos. I smile and nod and make my way up to my old bedroom.

I don't miss much about the mansion, but the bathroom attached to my bedroom luxury was something I did quite enjoy. Much more than the small bathrooms I had to share with the other order members. I took a mental note to search for a home with a large bathroom when Neville and I get married. I wrap the warm fluffy towel around my wet body, just then I hear a light knock at the door.
"Gimme a sec" I yell out. I wrap my hair into a second towel and I gently open the door thinking it to be Draco or Narcissa. Unfortunately for me it wasn't.

"Mmm trying to seduce me too Locks?" Hubar asks with a large grin on his face. He pushes past me with ease.
"And what do you think you are doing?" I ask angrily. He just turns around and looks me up and down, then goes back to walking further into my room. I look down to make sure my towel is covering every part of me, then I scramble to the bathroom and shut the door so I can put clothing on. I hear Hubar talk to himself through the door.
"It's feeding time lil guy! How do you deal with such a grumpy pants all the time huh? Quite the handful that one!" He says. His voice so gentle isn't doesn't even sound like the same person.

You quickly get dressed but notice you haven't heard Hubar in the last minute or so. You go to grab the door knob but just then his deep voice comes through the door, almost as if he is pressed against it.
"Hurry up doll, I'm growing impatient. I wasn't done appreciating your show you were putting on for me." He says. I swiftly open the door slamming it into his face hard. He bends over covering his noise with his hands.
"Oops." I say sarcastically. "Who were you talking to?" I ask. He keeps groaning curse words under his breath but points into the direction of something on the other side of my room.

"PHIB!!!" I yell as I rush toward my toad I hadn't seen since the end of last school year.
"Oh you beaut I missed you!" I coo as I pet his head gently. Then I remember how Hubar was talking earlier. Could he have been talking to Phib? You look to see a small container of flies on your bed.
"Have you been feeding him?" I ask.
"Yeah, no one else would do it." He says. I look at Phib again, admiring my happy healthy toad.
"Thanks." I huff.
"Hah! What was that?" Hubar chuckles
"You heard me, I'm not going to say it again." I say.

Draco comes through the door with excitement in his voice.
"Hey Leaf, how does wizards chess afte-"
"Hellenberg what the hell are you doing in here?" Draco yells. "Get out!" He says pointing to the door.
"Take it easy Dray I was only feeding Phib." Hubar says while putting his hands up in defeat and walking out the door.
"Yeah that and your sick pervy fantasies." Draco says under his breath. He turns back towards me with a worried look.
"He didn't do anything did he?" Draco asks
"Other than constantly undress me with his eyes and feed my toad you were going to let starve? Nope. You were saying?" I ask. Draco looks at me with a guilty look.
"I wouldn't let him starve, he just creeps me out a little. Anyway, wanna play wizards chess after dinner?" Draco asks excited.
"Sounds great Blondie." I reply.

Dinner is good but it tastes nothing like the warm love filled meals Molly and Augusta prepare. I sit next to Draco and Narcissa. Lucious sits head of the table as per usual. Across from me sits the Carrow siblings and And unfortunately Hubar, directly across from me.

"How has school been Serenity? Are your grades well?" Narcissa asks. I smile while cutting into my steak.
"They are very good, I got O's in every subject actually." I brag while placing the neatly cut meat into my mouth.
"Oh wow very impressive!" Narcissa coos.
"Draco, how is it that you only received 3 Outstandings while this waste can achieve all O's? I hope she wasn't distracting you." Lucious groans.
I look at Draco with a worried face. Draco just looks down at his food.
"Hmm perhaps Serenity was seducing more than just students? That's the only reasonable explanation." Lucious chuckles. He looks at me with an evil grin and I glare straight back at him.

Draco starts to speak but then we all hear a loud clang and look in the direction on Hubar.
"Oops! Sorry I dropped my fork!" He laughs.
He bends down to pick it up and when he sits back up he winks at me. I send a thankful smile in his direction. Maybe he isn't as bad as I had initially thought.

The rest of dinner is awkwardly quiet so we all finish as quick as we can. Draco and I make our way towards the library. Draco tells me about a dragon they have in Gringotts that he got to see over break while dramatically explaining with his hands when I see Hubar walking down an opposite hall.

"Oi! Hellenberg!" I shout. He turns towards my voice.
"Fancy a game of wizards chess?" I ask.

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