Harry Potters

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Deathly Hallows

After I left Malfoy mansion I didn't return to Neville as Draco had told me to do. Instead I returned to 12 Grimmauld Place as I was ordered by Moody to do so. As I enter the home I hear many voices from the kitchen. I make my way over to see not only many Order members, but also some of my friends.

"Serenity!!" Hermione yells as she attacks me with a hug. Ron sees and joins in on in, smashing me into a group hug.
"Hey guys! I missed you!" I try to say, as the air is being squeezed out of me.
"Oops sorry." Hermione giggles. The Weasley twins don't hug me but instead mess up my hair in a big brotherly way.
"How are you little Malfoy?" They say in unison.
"My last name is Locks you know that Weasleys." I laugh.

Molly holds me in a hug for about two full minutes then we sit down to discuss Harry's escape.

The muggle neighborhood Harry lives in is quiet, it makes tonight feel even more nerve wracking. I've always hated complete quiet, not even the wind singing in my ears. I hang back a little in the group. Of course it had surprised me how warm Ron and Hermione had been after what I had done. It was possible they didn't know. Harry on the other hand will probably be livid.

Everyone enters the house greeting Harry and Harry greeting them with smiles.

"Harry wait until you hear the news, Remus and I are-" Tonks starts but is interrupted by Moody storming in.
"Cmon we don't have time to waste!" He yells.
Moody moves to the other side of the room. Leaving a clear view for Harry to see me. I don't look in his eyes out of guilt, I hate this feeling.

"What is she doing here?!?" Harry yells.
Tonks puts an arm around me out of protection and comfort.
"Serenity is one of us, there is no denying that. She is here to help you just like any one of us." Tonks sternly says.
"She killed Dumbledore! You can't be serious right now?" Harry exclaims.
"But we are Harry, she is here to help you. She ain't loyal to the dark lord she is loyal to the order." Moody says. "Now can we please get a move on!"

After a disgusting swig of Polyjuice potion we stand in the middle of the room all looking like direct copies of Harry Potter.
"Don't look at me bill im hideous!" Fluer says
"Oh Fluer! I didn't see you come in, long time no see. I can't wait for your wedding!" I exclaim.
"Who are- oh Serenity! Yes long time it has been. I hope to see you there after all this." She replies.

"Now everyone knows the plan correct? We don't stop for anything and we all meet at the Burrow." Moody orders. The lot of us nod. I take a deep breath then position myself on the Thestral. We all take off together. The clouds in front of us are flashing like lightning, but in the back of my mind I know it's not that easy. The flashes are spells. The dark lord took the bait alright, but he believed me.
"Shit." I huff to myself.

The minute we reach the clouds 100s of death eaters are flying at us. I watch as Bill and Fluer split off and attempt to avoid a spell. I see Hagrid take the real Harry lower to escape the majority. Good, I think to myself.
"Stupefy!!!" I yell, taking down a wizard aiming for Moody. He nods a thanks then continues dodging more spells.

I'm able to disarm and attack many death eaters with ease. They may have more people but they aren't very well practiced. A death eater aims their wand at me and I quickly dodge the spell but they keep up with my pace. We send and dodge each others spells over and over until he gets close enough for me to see him.
"Hubar?" I whisper. I see his chocolate brown eyes inside his mask open wide in realization. His aim changes and shoots past me instead of towards me. I turn to see it landed on someone. Moody falls quickly to the ground, I'm unable to go after him. I turn back towards Hubar who's eyes are shocked. He quickly pulls his broom up and flies away.

I didn't have to fight off many more death eaters before I made it to the Burrow. I seem to be the last one to arrive. I see everyone gathered around George who's ear looks to be gone.
"Ouch." I say louder than I wanted it to be.
"Thanks." George replies. Everyone looks towards me.
"Moody is dead." I say.

The faces of my friends drop into sadness. But our mission is complete, Harry is here safe. Hopefully it all goes well from here on out.

"So they believed you?" Remus asks.
I'm sitting outside on the steps infront of the house.
"Yep. Seems so." I reply. "The one who killed Moody, I know him. He's a good person."
Remus looks off into the tall grass. Wind blows and the grass rubs together causing a comforting noise.
"There is always going to be good people doing bad things Serenity, you should know that better than anyone." He replies.
"He- uh- never mind. You are right." I say.
"Cmon, Molly made pie." Remus exclaims. He stands up and offers a hand to me. I shake my head gently.
"I'll be a minute." I say.
He hesitates to leave but then leaves me to my thoughts.

"Where is Neville when you need him?"

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