The punishment. ✓

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Set during summer before chamber of secrets


Life in the mansion had been cruel the past few weeks. Lucius wouldn't stop complaining about how much of an embarrassment I was to his family.

I thanked Merlin I wasn't his daughter.

I was a Hufflepuff and a blood traitor. There was talk I wouldn't be allowed back at school. I expected Draco to revel in this but he just seemed sad and quiet.

One evening at dinner Draco was going on and on about his charms and potions marks when all hell broke loose.
"Serenity dear, didn't you do well in charms as well?" Narcissa spoke.

"Narcissa how dare you dismiss our own son like that!?" Lucius spat. "Draco is blood, Serenity is nothing but an orphan we allow to eat our scraps." He smirked at me. I clenched my fists, not in anger, but trying not to cry. Draco noticed this.

"But father, Serenity is far smarter and better at school than I am, I'm sure she will do amazingly next year." He smiled at me.


Poor Draco's cheek, I thought. normally he would stay out of arguments that involved his father, but lately he couldn't stop defending me.

Lucius had smacked Draco so hard he almost fell off his chair.
"None of that talk towards the blood traitor son." He scorned.
He then angrily walked towards me. Taking no time to grab me by my hair and drag me up the stairs to my room.

Narcissa remained silent but Draco followed and begged his father to stop.
"Get off of me you ghostly faced freak!" I screamed. He threw me into my room and I turn around to see him smirk at my pain and the tears on my face, Draco is behind him looking guilty and astonished at his father's actions.
"You will not be returning to Hogwarts." He states. "And that's my last word on that." Lucius finished as he slammed the door shut.

I hear muffled arguments of the Malfoy family outside of my door but I can't make out any words, mostly because I'm sobbing to myself quietly. I make my way over to my bed and pull a shoe box out from underneath it. As I opened it I'm welcomed by the warm sight of all of Neville's letters he had owled me over the break. I pull out my prized possession. Staring at it for a minute then holding it close to my chest as reality firmly sets in.

It's a moving photo of Neville and his grandma winning best plant at a fair they went to, I had owled him tips on how to achieve the greenest leaves and the largest growth. The plants name is painted onto the pot.


Weeks go by and I still haven't owled my friends to tell the news of me not returning to Hogwarts next year. What would I even say? "Hey guys, I spoke out of term and now I'll never see you again like you had been worried about on the train when you thought I was sleeping?" Yeah that wouldn't go over well. I'm sitting at my desk letting ink blot my parchment with no rhyme or reason. I heard footsteps behind me and I immediately recognize them as Draco's.

"You haven't drawn anything in awhile." He says sadly. He walks around my room a bit, touching some of my plants.
"Why are your plants dying? Serenity you have to remember to at least feed your plants.. I know you aren't good at feeding yourself lately. But your plants?" He exclaims.

I'm silent.

"Cmon leaf..." he says wrapping his arms around me from behind.
"This is our last week together before you are shipped off for 6 years. I mean I hope I get to see you on holidays but my father doesn't seem so keen on the idea." He tries to chuckle but it's not really a joke, he is serious.

I'm going to be going to beauxbatons and I'm confident I won't be coming back anytime soon.

"I'm sorry Draco." I say suddenly.
"What?" He asks in surprise.
"I'm sorry I failed you, I could have been a better friend to you last year. Then maybe this wouldn't be happening." I explain.
"No! You shut up leaf, it's my fault, plus.... Potter and his little friends are a pain in my side... I can't promise you I will try to be nicer to them leaf.... I'm sorry for that. Honestly you leaving will cause me to hate them more."

I'm not sure if any of what he said was supposed to help me feel better? I looked up at him and it made me think that maybe he was trying to get himself to feel better.
"You can pick on them, but not Longbottom ok?" I say with a smile. He smiles back
"deal" he finally says. He pulls me into the biggest hug I have ever felt him give. I hug back with as much love as I can muster. And with that he is gone, and I'm left with my spotty parchment and 6 letters that still need to be written.


I'm sitting on my bed reading the new Herbology book Serenity had sent me for my birthday. In it was a drawing of the two of us, it moved and had us water a pot, a sprout then grew from the pot into a big strong baneberry plant. The drawing of me then hugged Serenity and lifted her up high. Then it started over.

I stayed there for a few minutes watching it repeat a few times, all with a smile on my face. Then I heard an owl at my window, it was jet black so I knew Serenity had used Draco's owl to send a letter. I happily opened the window and didn't even think twice when the owl bit me while I was grabbing the letter from his beak.

I open the letter.

Dear my lovely friend Nev,

I'm sorry to inform you so late but I didn't have the words.

I will not be returning to Hogwarts this upcoming year and will be attending Beauxbatons for the rest of my school years.

Meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me and I'm in deep sorrow thinking our friendship should be cut this short. I hope we can continue to to be friends and I hope to see you again in the future.

Lots of love,
Your friend,

P.s. remember you are studying Mandrakes this year, don't forget your earmuffs.

The letter falls to the floor.

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