Battle of Hogwarts finale

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Deathly Hallows

"Gran?" Neville exclaims. "You knew!?!? Why didn't anyone say anything? How long have you two known?"

"Neville dear calm down." I say as I lift myself to my feet. Draco is continuing his rant but no one is listening anymore. I place my hands on Neville's face.
"Nev I'm sorry I didn't tell you the moment I found out, I was just looking for the right time."
He chuckles as he looks back at me, placing his hand on mine and kissing my palm.
"Is now the right time?"

I laugh along with him.
"Not really? But I really couldn't keep the secret much longer, you know how bad I am with secrets." I reply.
"That's true" he laughs.

"And that's another thing! My father! What if he knew!?? He would have hurt you even more!" Draco continues.

Augusta makes her way over to her grandson to chat so I take the moment to calm down Draco.

"Draco." I say as I approach him.

"It's not like I'm jealous or anything, I mean you are like a sister to me, but I really don't think it was the best idea-"

"DRACO!" I yelled. He immediately shut his mouth and looked towards me.
"You've said more words in the past 3 minutes than you have in the almost 17 years I've known you. Take a breath."

Draco breathed in and out. It seemed to have calmed him down, but only slightly.
"Serenity, I'm only upset because you are so important to me." He finally spoke. His face had a soft expression, no more anger resonated in him.
"Oh how dare I add to your worry." I joked. He didn't appreciate my humor but he wasn't able to reply before someone came running into the great hall.

Astoria scurries into the hall and finds us. Confused I turn towards her, I thought she would be hiding away with the younger students in Hogsmeade still. I feel Draco stiffen at the sight of her. I sense an aura of more worry surround him.
"Draco, don't. I'm sure she has good reason for being here. No need to go off on another rant." I say
"I wasn't going to." He scoffs. I smirk knowingly at him.

"It's Potter! I saw him making his way into the wood. He was going towards you know who!" The Greengrass girl yells at us through breathing, trying to catch her breath from running.
"Are you sure?" Draco questions.

"She is right, he left to give himself up." We hear Ron say as him and Hermione enter the hall.

Everyone in the hall turns towards them now.

"We just have to hope he succeeds." Hermione adds.
"Succeeds in what? Fighting against the dark lord and all of his death eaters alone!?!?" I argue back.
"Serenity, now is not the time." Hubar cuts in.

Neville places his hand on the small of my back to comfort me.
"I'm sure he had little choice Ren. I'm sure he thought it through. This could be the best and only chance he had." He explains gently. I wave my hands in the air angrily.

"Had little choice!?! We could have kept fighting! We were all depending on him! All of us!" I yell while motioning towards my unborn child. A life with Voldemort wasn't the life I wanted my daughter to grow up in. How could Harry Potter give up so easy? How could he possibly win now?


It felt like hours but it was just extremely long minutes that passed us as we all waited. I sat next to Serenity. Her hand in mine, I rubbed circles on the top of hers with my thumb. I look up at her to see she is gazing over at Hubar. He continued to work on healing and helping injured students and order members. I couldn't lie, he was outrageously talented at healing. A small bit of jealousy grew in me, but it was quickly gone after she spoke.

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