The cold mansion ✓

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Set during Philosopher's stone


I awoke to a buzzing.... "again?" I thought to myself. I always adored plants, and had 100s around my room to show for it, but this caused an annoying pest problem. "Shoo fly!" I yelled to the annoying fly that was now attempting to land on my face. If only I knew a spell to deal with this. I was now 11 and today was the day we went to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies, maybe I would learn spells to help with my plants during my first year of Hogwarts?

"LEAF!!" I heard a boys voice yell from the other side of my door. "LEAF ARE YOU UP YET!??" I hated that nickname, but he always insisted on using it, mostly to annoy me.
"YEAH IM UP!" I yelled before opening to door. It revealed a boy with white slicked black hair wearing only black head to to, he wore a disgusted look on his face. He leans against the door frame.
"Ya know leafy, you're gunna have to start waking up on time. Don't wanna be late to your classes when we get to Hogwarts." He says
"whatever hair gel, and you know your going to have to start smiling and pronouncing words correctly? Right?" I snark in return. He scoffs and walks away waving one hand up and having the last words "just be down in 5 mins leaf."

Draco doesn't let it show but he is really sensitive, he is just mean to cover that up. All the Malfoys are kinda like that. They took me in when I was around one. Narcissa says it's because she was good friends with my mom, but Lucius is always quick to remind me that I'm only here because they made the unbreakable vow to take care of me and he didn't want to die. How sentimental right?

My parents were death eaters but in the end they chose to be disloyal to the Dark Lord, it resulted in them being murdered. The Malfoys tried to raise me up the same way they did Draco but no matter what, I've always been a little proud of my parents. They knew what was right and I'll do my part in making them proud. That way they didn't die for nothing. I don't know many details about my parents but I have photos of them and I know the reason they met their untimely death was because they refused to use the crutiatus curse on an innocent couple. They were true heroes in my young eyes.

I quickly got dressed, it was still summer so I stuck to my usual skirt with a white blouse. I would much rather shorts and a tee but the Malfoys always required me to dress nicer than the other children. When we arrived to the Alley it was much busier than the other days I had gone with Narcissa to do casual shopping. There were children of all ages rushing around buying school supplies. The sight made me slightly more excited for Hogwarts.

"Darling why don't you run off with Draco and grab your robes, a pet, and a wand while I grab your books?" Narcissa says. Before I can reply Draco has already grabbed my wrist and is gleefully pulling me through the crowd.
"Cmon Leaf! Stop dragging your feet!"
"I would if I had a second to use them!" I yell back
"sorry" he says "I'm just so excited!"
"I know me too Draco, hey I know you don't want a pet, mind if I go by myself and you just go get our robes? We can meet at Olivanders after." I offer.
"Oh thank god, just get me an owl ok? God I hate pets." He sighs. Draco turned on his heels, and with no time at all he disappears into the crowd.

"Sure no problem, see you soon." I call out it him, almost certain my words didn't reach him.

Walking towards the pet shop I was deep in thought of whether I should get a cat or a toad when I bump into something, or someone and I fall straight onto my bum.
"Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I say when a hand reaches down to help me up. I take it and begin brushing my skirt clean before I look up to apologize again.
"No-n-n-no pro-problem" the boy stutters "I uh- I was- uh- st-standing in the way a-anyway."
"No no, it was all me" I say while offering my hand to shake. "Serenity Locks, a pleasure" I reply, gladly introducing myself to the boy.

"Neville Longbottom, pl-pleasures all m-mine." He replied.

Longbottom? I've heard that before, but I shake the thought from my head.
"I was just heading to the pet store, and you?" I ask "same!" He smiles "want to go together?"
"Sure." I reply, a warm smile growing on my face.

Neville is slightly chubby, but definitely taller than I am. He has a stutter but only when he is nervous. He has messy light brown hair with hazel brown eyes, but when the sun shines on them they almost looked as green as mine.

I was on the short side with long dark hair. I had bright emerald eyes, a round face, and a small button nose. I seemed soft spoken to some but the people who knew me well would often remind me to hold my tongue.

We were practically opposites.

I noticed these small things about him while walking to the pet shop side by side. Little words were spoken but I did learn Neville lives with his grandma and he was also starting his first year at Hogwarts. When we arrive at the pet shop we both freeze in awe of all the pets. There were of course cats, rats, *toads, and owls up front for the students to shop easily, but near the back there were magical creatures that were not allowed to under age witches and wizards, but that didn't stop the children from looking at them.

"First years I presume!?" A kind voice rings out. Just then arms wrap around both Mine and Neville's shoulders from behind and a man is bringing us in closer to take a look at the pets.
"Now now, what pet are you two looking for?" The man I now recognize as the shop keeper asks as he makes his way infront of us.

"A toad!" Both me and Neville say in unison. We both look at each other with smiles on our faces excited that we already have something in common other than just being first years.
"Oh... ok if you are so sure." The shop keeper says, almost confused and disappointed. I know that most wizards think toads are the worst choice but toads are small and easy to travel with, not to mention it would help with my little pest problem. My eyes lock on a bright orange toad and I immediately take to it.

"That my dear is my prized toad! The golden toad, the muggles believe it to be extinct but I have the single remaining one." He says proudly "but he comes at a very high price."
"Oh price doesn't matter, I want him." I say waving my hand. I'm only slightly annoyed at myself for sounding like a spoiled brat but I was too in love with my new amphibian friend to care too much. The shop keeper just shrugs and helps Neville with his toad he has picked out.

I didn't know how much the toad actually costs but by the look on Nevilles face when I paid the shop keeper, it must have been a lot. I also bought Draco an owl, pure black, I knew he would like that.
"So what is your toads name Locks?" Neville questions as he peaks at my new pet.

"I'm going to name him Phib, ya know like amphibian? And call me Serenity! We are friends now!" I reply
"How about Ren? It's shorter and having nicknames is what friends do right?" Neville replies
"I like that! And I'll call you Nev!"
"I like that too" he replied with a smile
"Well I better go, I have to meet my friend at olivanders" I say while lifting the black owl to insinuate which friend I'm talking about, although I never did tell Neville about Draco.

I Love Plants {a Neville Longbottom story}Where stories live. Discover now