The DA

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Order of the Phoenix

"Harry please." I beg "I can't keep sneaking around her back all the time, she is getting suspicious."
"It doesn't seem like it to me, actually quite the opposite, I think if you opened your goo goo eyes a little wider you'd notice her going behind your back just as much." Harry says. "She is obviously not on our side Neville and nothing you can say or do will change my mind on that. Your girlfriend is a death eater Neville and I can't risk the other members getting caught because you are in love with the enemy."
Im clenching my fists now.

"For all we know Draco is a death eater too, this could have been their plan all along! Get close to us and use the information against us! She could be using you Neville and you wouldn't even know it." Harry says, but before he can say any more I had my wand pointed at Harry's face. Tears were just starting to form in my eyes.
"Take it back! TAKE IT BACK RIGHT NOW HARRY!" I yell. Ron and Hermione run into the common room.

"What the bloody hell are you doing Neville?" Ron yells while trying to hold him back.
"Neville what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Hermione asks?
"Cmon Harry, tell them, tell them that you think Serenity is a death eater, tell them that you think she is only friends with them because you are so damn important." Angrily yell, holding my ground with my wand still pointed at Harry.
"Merlin Harry! What's gotten into you?" Hermione exclaims.
"Look Neville I'm sorry, I've just been a little on edge lately. There is a lot going on. You can't argue the fact that she has been acting weird lately." Harry says putting his hands up in defense.

I slowly lowers my wand, and Ron loosens his grip on me.
"I love her." I finally say. "I love her, and nothing will change that. Even if she is a death eater, I know she is a good person and I love her." I had obviously thought of the possibility of her being a death eater but I hoped I could be wrong. She was far too kind and caring to ever actually follow he who must not be named.
"Oh Neville" Hermione exclaims rubbing his arm in attempts to comfort the boy. I pull away.
"I'll see you at the meeting." I say before storming out the portrait door.

"It's happening today Leaf, they already questioned the Chang girl and she told them everything." Draco whispers to Me.
"And that's my problem why?" I ask while looking deep into the crystal ball hoping to see anything.
"Leaf I know you know that I know that Loserbottom goes to those meetings." He whispers
"Wait what?" I question with a giggle
"I know that you know- oh whatever, just make sure Loserbottom isn't there." He says
"Well well Draco, I didn't pin you to be the caring type." I laugh.
"Shove off Serenity, I just don't want to see him cry. It's annoying." He argues.
Everyone starts putting their books away as class ends.
"Thanks Dray Dray." I say jokingly making a kissy face at him.
"Hey! Only Astoria is allowed to call me that!" Draco says with blush in his cheeks. He collects his things and leaves with the rest of the class.

I had indeed known that Neville was a part of some secret group that Harry ran, he wasn't that good at lying or keeping secrets. I thought it was incredibly cute whenever he got flustered trying to hide where he was going or why he had been studying jinxes and counter curses all the time. It upset me only a little thinking I wasn't a part of it but I knew Harry probably had something to do with that. "Hmmm" I said to myself with a mischievous smirk growing on my face.

I made my way to the DA meeting slightly upset. Harry had indeed been more on edge lately. With Umbridge, DA lessons, Voldemort's return, mr Weasley. It had to be a lot. That didn't mean he had to disrespect Serenity though. She didn't deserve it! I rounded the corner towards the room of requirement.

"Ok then I'll tell her tonight." I exclaimed outloud.
"Tell who what?" The voice of Serenity sings.
I stoped in my tracks and look up to see Serenity leaning against the wall that just so happens to be the entrance to the room of Requirement.
"Oh uhm. I uhm. Ginny needed.... uhm." I mumbled.
"You are so cute." Serenity giggles.
"What do we have here?" Serenity says as a door appears behind her.
"Let's go in!" She exclaims.
"NO!" I yell, slightly louder than I wanted it to be.
Serenity doesn't listen and she rushes through the door.

I bust through the door to see Harry and a large group of people all looking in my direction with pure shock. I feel Neville running in behind me trying desperately to collect himself. He mumbles a bunch of almost words and motions towards me and shrugging
"I'm sorry." He ends up saying.
"I knew it!" I exclaim. "I knew you guys were hiding something from me!"
"Neville what the hell?" Harry asks.
"I didn't tell her I swear!!" Neville yells.
"He didn't, I found out all on my own. Now is anyone going to tell me what's going on here?" I ask, placing myself between Harry and Neville.
"I'm sorry Ren, I wanted to tell you I really did. We are training students in defense spells." Neville starts saying.
"Oh like a Defense against the dark arts class?" I ask. "Exactly like that." Neville says with a smile.
"Well go ahead then Harry. You were saying." I say motioning my hands towards him lecturing the students.
"Oh yeah. Right. Fine, you can stay, but we have to talk after the meeting ok?" Harry says.
"Wouldn't have it any other way." I say crossing my arms and smirking. He looks and me suspiciously.
Neville stands next to me and holds my hand protectively.

"Ok so today we are practicing our Patronus."

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